Kunming Bus Company - Kunming Gong Jiao Ji Tuan - has 7 Operating Companies (Ying Yun Gong Si).
They in turn manage 38 Fleets (Che Dui).
There are 21 Bus Terminals (Che Chang).
There are 288 Bus Lines (Gong Jiao Xian Lu).
There are 4500 buses.
Total workers - 13,000 of which approx 6000 are drivers.
The purpose of this inquiry was to find out why the drivers are in such a hurry.
Turns out every driver must make 4 round trips per day depending on the length of their route. Most routes require 4 trips while some with longer routes only make 3.
Unfortunately, when traffic is congested and the drivers are under a lot of pressure and stress, their trips get longer and then they are NOT allowed to get a few minutes rest.
mmm. sad to hear... these public owned companies? i would expect workers rights to b high...
Workers are replaced like underwear. There are no 'worker's right'. They don't value employees. If you quit they have 100 more willing to take your place. It's like that nowadays. Even in highly develope countries.
Explains why so many drivers are really grumpy. Was amazed the other night at 9:30 i was running towards bus i needed knowing would be at least 30 minutes for another, the driver stopped re-opened his door for me and waited. I smiled, thanked him for waiting and he smiled back.
Many bus drivers to vent their anger like to see a passenger running for the bus and just when they get close, they closed the door and dash off. Classic! Ha.Ha. Those bastards! That's how they get even. Ha.Ha.
>>Unfortunately, when traffic is congested and the drivers are under a lot of pressure and stress, their trips get longer and then they are NOT allowed to get a few minutes rest.<<
4 round trips sounds like a short day. And the majority of the time traffic is not congested so the drivers can get their rest then.
Most routes are an hour 1 way, so 4 round trips is a full work day.
My sister-in-law used to drive the number 44 bus before she retired. They were even responsible for fare collection and if the fares didn't add up they were forced to pay.
at least an hour 1 way. and getting longer with more traffic nowadays
Example - Bus 185 = 1.5 hours one way = 3 hours for a complete route. I would hate to make this trip once let alone 3 times in one day. Do the math - that is a 9 hour workday as this route must make 3 trips per day.
I think the bus drivers do a good job here in Kunming. They put up with a lot of Ahole drivers all day and although they do drive aggressively, they seldom get into accidents. The accidents I have seen involving buses are usually the fault of the car not the bus.
In japan, if a car driver hits a bus the car is always at fault because buses have the right of way.
so are they public companies? what system of ownership is that? do workers have a right in decisions like in anarchist cooperatives?