
foreign teacher deported

paveln (24 posts) • 0

BTW if she (assuming the story is not 100% made up) has such attitude towards Chinese people, why on Earth she came to China first place? I am sick of people with attitude like that. I am here as guest of this country. I do not have to love everything but I have to be sensitive as it is not my country. Perhaps US citizens (and also some others) should understand that world does not belong to them.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

I am sick of people that have to blame others for upright and honorable behaviour, so that they themselves can feel comfortable, or find reason to agree and support a autocratic system that does everything, that is mean and bad, just because they can.

for your information,

FoS [it's great that I have to abbreviate it here], is protected in the constitution. So, according to the law I could say anything I wanted, whoever, or wherever I am from well...what about that?

Isn't the law what we all should and must follow and respect.

Other example, if you were a guest in a restaurant, and someone is starting to rape, torture and treat a guest really terrible [if rape and torture isn't terrible enough], what are you going to do? Pay the bill and leave, ...right?

So now if you need to tell yourself that you are a guest and your cowardly behavior, allows you to forget that you are a human being and that you rather shut up and shout hooray to every terrible thing you encounter in this place. Just for your right to stay in this country?

Then yeah, you made it to the group of people that, everyone really loves and looks up to.

You can stay in PRC.

But watch out, you may become a Martin Niemoeller,


I agree we are guests in a new country. But if the law, of which we are reminded so much in the arrival procedure, means nothing, what to do?

Let us know oh wise Pavel and other guest-fetishists. Go three monkey style, and later tell our kids how brave and good we were?
For me, no thanks!

If I get deported for saying something not conform, well good bye and good riddance P.R. of C.!!!

P.S. I am not a U.S. citizen, My country saw those things happen first hand, ...it makes you think.

I am stuck for the next two years, the moment this is over.....damn! I am on a plane, as far as possible, away from here.

paveln (24 posts) • 0

To: The Dudeson's

You hate the PRC so much, make you (and PRC) more comfortable and go to your dreamland. :-) I assume you know some. Being stuck here is supposed to be a joke, yes? Or is it the PRC who si preventing you leaving this country? Cheers.

The Dudeson's (1106 posts) • 0

Oh another one[or the same one] who has nothing else to say than...."Hey why don't you go back where you came from pilgrim...yeehaaaw!"- "We like to be cruel and terrible to everyone here, let's never change and make things and the lives better for everyone else on this planet....we have no responsibilities, we are the worlds biggest polluters and we have the most itchy finger when it comes to invade peopleshomes, countries and nuke them....

Did you hear what the commanding general said about the recent election of the liberal president in Taiwan...???
No? ....well than you are perfect for this!...lol
The moled man would be proud of you.

I don't hate the PRC that much. Is that the PRC hates foreigners that much, while at the same time they take their money out of their hands and smile and dance on top of their 5000 year of culturehistory-crap...lol.
Really? you are that smart and wise....why do you still live in your minds, like it was 500 years ago? Why do you make the same mistakes, why as the richest country on earth do you preach hatred and racism, so much? Why is everyone that is from China, and can,-running as far away from it as they can.
Stupidity is not a genetic disease but a disease of education.

At the moment I am stuck here. And when I can get out I will, trust me, so you can teach bootleg socialism, and national socialism, while betting on the country that is the least away from catching the human spirit and spreading progress and evolution.

Let's get back to the time when things sucked....jia you China!!!!

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