
Info on teaching jobs in Kunming

gogokm (4 posts) • 0

I'm currently looking for an English teaching job in Kunming starting at the beginning of the next school year. Just wondering if anyone knows where to look for government school jobs? Or any jobs with normal working hours (i.e. not evenings and weekends). I'm not totally averse to this, I'm just wanting to check what's out there and what people do at the moment.
I've been looking into some private language schools as well - i2, First Leap, Summit, Shane etc. Any information (reliability, trustworthiness, working conditions) on these, or any other schools in Kunming would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

You might want to do a search of the forums on here. Obviously, take whatever you find with a pinch of salt. A good way to find out more about the schools that you're interested in would be to e.mail them to ask them to put you in contact with current teachers. Any legitimate and reasonable school should do this if you can show that you have a real interest in working for them.

debaser (647 posts) • 0

oh... I forgot to say... most of the private schools hire throughout the year rather than for the start of term/semester.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I've also been told that generally private schools pay more.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

The private language school pay is higher, but they provide no accommodation, flights, and some do not want to provide a work visa. Most want to employ people already here on some other visa. The hours are usually evenings and weekends. But your weekdays are often free until about 3pm, unless they stick you with office hours. You will usually do 16-20 hours teaching per week, and often office hours, which takes you up to 40 hours in the centre. Basically you will work from lunch time until 8pm or 9pm.
In the public sector, the pay is lower, but they provide private accommodation, flights, basic medical cover, and a work visa. Public sector jobs are M-F only. 16 hours teaching maximum (but usually the full 16). However when you are not teaching your time is your own. Teaching hours usually fall between 8am and 5pm. University hours are usually 8-12.

gogokm (4 posts) • 0

Thanks for the replies everyone!
@debaser Yeah, I've had a look through the some of the threads on here, I could only really find info about Shane which is sounding pretty reasonable. Good idea about asking to speak to current employees.
@tigertiger I teach at a government school in another part of China at the moment so i'm aware of the pay difference etc. But the thing is I have no idea how to go about finding another government job. I got my current one through an organisation in the UK but they're pretty useless after the first year of teaching.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

There are websites like teach-in-china.net and Daves ESL cafe that list jobs China wide. Now is about the time that most schools/unis recruit for next year.
The likes of the big chain schools have a mixed reputation. Mostly because they are franchises. Some of these owners are out and out skunks. A few are OK.

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