Your comment about google flipping the bird to China is amusing - in that the EXACT reason they gave for exiting China was horse manure - as they do EXACTLY the same thing if not MORE, for US law enforcement agencies aka the NSA/FBI/CIA/Homeland Security.
Google was simply losing market share in China, Baidu was crushing their search engines, QQ already had a stranglehold on IM, youku, tudou, et al were already crushing the online amateur video market, while youtube was being increasingly blocked and they needed a plausible if not debatable exit strategy to explain WHY they could NOT compete in the single largest IT market in the world.
Google is a publicly held company and subject to investor and shareholder criticisms, revolts, etc aka back seat drivers - they simply elected to withdraw from the market, justifying an incredibly poor decision with an allegedly moral decision - which in historical retrospect was both hypocritical and utter manure...but sounded good and noble, despite it's deceptive nature.
Google scans ALL of your google services for keywords, so they can target on-screen ads aka click ads at you - which is their right - but a severe invasion of privacy with incredible opportunity for abuse.
Google also purchased youtube company - but refused to comply with China's censorship laws, so key parts of google's strategies were simply incompatible with China's emerging internet rules - no porn, criminal drug trading, gambling, cults, hate crimes, inciting public unrest, rumor mongering - the negative things that we scoff at as silly are much more believable in an emerging, developing nation - susceptible to information without the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from fiction.
As for Yahoo closing their offices - that's Yahoo USA/global/corporate, drawing down their presence to reduce operating cost. Yahoo China is quite alive and kicking.
Google's China historical exit remains both controversial and debatable - their return is a given - it's just a matter of time, assuming they don't get M&A'd by Apple, Alibaba, or some other humongo megacorp...or vice versa.