
Eat with your hands

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Tonight I tried 包敏手抓饭 on 文化巷. You get a selection of very spicy, Southeast-Asian-style food, served on a giant banana leaf (like they do in India), that you eat with your hands. It is pretty good, and worth a trip if you like a unique experience.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Interesting, a previous post somehow disappeared, but here it is again.

Is the aforementioned cusine part of the traditional Chinese cuisine? Is the consumption of it considered traditional Chinese culture?

How is the promotion of non-native Asian cuisine any less detrimental to Chinese culture than the consumption of Western foods?

A serious question.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

tonyaod has mastered the art of restricting himself to 'civilized' language while simultaneously engaging in subtle hostility.


bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

I believe it's a typical way of eating in the Nujiang valley. Can we have some information on where you ate this, Matt?

Serrure (132 posts) • 0

@neddy where exactly on Wenhuaxiang is this restaurant? how much did you pay for the meal? is there a place to wash your hands before and after eating?

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

@neddy, do you sometimes eat at mcdonald's? please be honest!

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