
Do you think we need more active moderation?

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Just putting the question out there.
Given that once again there has been a tendency for:
- interesting threads to get hijacked
- insults thrown
- posts that stifle discussion
- belligerent argumentative posts that try to intimidate or browbeat those who don't feel the same way about something.
- pissing contests/flame wars
- and general nastiness at times.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

I think not - I can put up with the things you mentioned - moderator might be acceptable, but that would depend on the moderator. I could propose myself, but I doubt if that would be acceptable to many others, and I wouldn't want to do it anyway. Suggest we all just accept the idea of the power of the better argument (e.g., relatively reliable 'facts' (most birds have only 2 legs), logic (2+2=4), etc.). Have a feeling this won't satisfy everybody. Season with humor.
As for a gokunming moderator, I don't think we'd be better off with one who goes beyond what he has to do to keep us all legal & out of trouble - and why dump this on, say, Pat Scally, who's already got enough to worry about?

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

I don't think a moderator would solve the problem and it's too much work I think. How about a feature that allows you to block users posts you don't want to see. So if you know that x always posts crap or trolling stuff you can block all posts from x.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Liumingke: Would this work? Anyway, for myself, I'd rather receive such & then ignore them if I want to.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

That's the problem. Once you see something that bother's you or offends you, your natural reaction is to reply. By blocking it all together. You never see it and everybody is happy and can sing 'Kumbaya my lord' Kumbaya! ha.Ha.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Ok, so CAMPO is banned temporarily until he apologizes to the following posters for being nasty?

- dazzer
- tuna
- me

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

I think it's correct to assume even with a moderator the language would just change into movie language, or double meanings, the conflict is still there. plus the rules of proper conduct are already pretty clear.

And as liuming said, if one get's attacked, if perceived right or wrong the natural reaction is to defend. And I am speaking here from CAMPO's view as well. I understand him, if he really thinks and believes the way he does, I am not judging, but it must suck for him as well as it does for me [us] to be attacked or insulted, and neddy.

So we are all in the same boat.

So I think more moderation, as you said would work, even if there would be enough resources, only work temporarily.

I have been at a Mommy forum, yes I know, the joke is on me.

[when you get a kid, there is no better place to get info, trust me]...lol and they had moderator for each thread. And I don't think they were staff but senior posters or ...actually I don't know.

I mean there wasn't much attacking going on but it was a Mommy forum and a lot of info exchanges quickly turned into : "Oh my Johnny is the cutest when he farts!" from females and Daddy's alike. So they did moderate it into an informative direction.

That worked quite well. Butr again that means volunteers and almost doing this as a job. And that is maybe a bit to much, to ask.

So to be honest, and I know I broke a bunch of those rules when it seemed appropriate. But if everyone, and I mean literally everyone sticks to treating thy next as they want to be treated and that includes the fact that, theperson may be a ccomplete dick, in ones opinion or have the most f***ed up view in the world, disregarding how many aliases or wackyness they show, must be treated equalliy without insult or ridicule. and if a joke is pulled on another ones expense or back fired, there should be enough honor to apologize.

As I said, I have no problem at all with any poster here, as long as I am not getting insulted, attacked or ridiculed, and looked down upon.

As I mentioned before this is just a forum, the internet, this should be fun, positive, humorous and without constant battles.

We are all [most] expats, or very open minded, educated [english speaking chinese folks]. so we are all in the same boat and shouldn't get into this silly back and forth.

I think HFCAMPO remembers as much as I do, those silly military [and marines] team building, problem solving exercises, how to pass a pond with 3 planks, etc...

I mean imagine how much we [as a online] community would suck at that, at the current state. lol

Actually I don't need an apology from CAMPO, if he as well as us sticks to the rules, it's even better, no apology needed. no harm no foul .

Also to just open a rant thread, should be allowed occasionally.

Sometimes to get all the cr*p and conspiracy ideas, negativity...etc, all out without judgement should be a great valve.

So maybe not right away moderating and judging people would great, as long as it's marked that way...

name e.g.
"Taxi Driver Rant -Letting off steam"

So people know if it's an info thing, a rant, or gathering opinion..-thread.

Dunno, what do you think.

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