
Obama the dictator

Anonymous Coward (329 posts) • 0

Obongo, Dumbya, Bubba, Poppy and Raygun...they may all be assholes, but they're not dictators.
They're sock puppets for the MIC, investment banks and big oil. It doesn't matter who you "vote" for, the military will keep expanding, and the bombs will keep dropping. Americans don't care, as long as they have porn, pot, pizza and playstation.

I am from a country with functioning national healthcare. I lived in the US for 10 years and experienced American style "heath care". It's great if you are rich enough to afford it, but unfortunately, most Americans are not rich (actually getting poorer by the day). I am a supporter of NHS, but Obamacare is a sad joke. It doesn't fix the root of the problem: COST. It just sticks someone else with the bill. HMOs, lawyers and big pharma all have their big, fat, greasy fingers in the cookie jar. Take these assholes out of the equation first.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Wow! Well said. Do not participate, this is the first step in combating these issues. Do not vote. Do not put money in the bak. McDonalds lost millions last year because people are not eating that crap any more. Grow your own garden. Do like many others - move out of the USA or renounce your US citizenship. Stop feeding the machine. The fastest growing number of people who are waking up are the US veterans - I wonder why?

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

We live and die as a society, not as individuals. If someone gets sick, we can either treat them or let them suffer and perhaps die. Of course healthcare needs resources, so resources must be allocated. What can be more important than people's health?

On the showers/energy thing, yeah you guys are have droughts in California because you use waaaaaaaay too much water. And as the most energy hungry people on earth (apart from some of the middle eastern mini-states that need air con 24/7), you need to bring your energy use under control. That means hanging your washing outside instead of putting it in the drier. That means walking the 500m to the store/diner/bank rather than driving your V8 truck there. I could go on, but I think I've bashed the yanks enough for one post.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Think of how deep the rabbithole we have gone when we know who will be the next president long before election day - Hillary or Jeb!

Some people here actually believe that is a choice and we should not complain about forced voting. The US learned with Ron Paul that voting for a different candidate is futile!

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Hate to say it but it's time for a revolution again. This time you will be labeled a 'terrorist' instead of a 'patriot'.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

and i think we should put campo behind a taxi. and if he slips up .... nail him!

debaser (647 posts) • 0

@Haali - well said.
@ Anonymous Coward - I agree with much of what you say about US healthcare and root causes but I still think 'Obama Care' is a much needed step in the right direction. The US healthcare system and it's neglecting the poorest and most vulnerable has long been a shameful embarrassment and an easy target for detractors of the US.

It's time some people realised that being part of a nation comes with responsibilities as well as benefits.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Everybody can have free healthcare if the US didn't waste the tax dollars and give it to other nations. Take care of your own citizens first.

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