
Obama the dictator

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

Hugo sounds like royalty. Are you royalty? Only faggots and sailors are named Hugo. From now on you're .... MATE.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Thats because Dazzer keeps calling me mate - like I was his drinking buddy or something - so I wonder if he is really from OZ or is he just pretending. Just like Eminem pretends to be black.

All those who have not seen the movie must really think we both are wacko!

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

'What if you don't like either of the parties but you are force to vote anyway?'

There are other parties. If you don't like any of them, vote for an independent. In Australia, they have to vote, don't hear them complaining too much. You have to pay your taxes already, so you may as well have a say about how they are spent. No taxes without representation, right?

'Obamacare' yeah Obama is such an asshole, wanting to give everyone access to healthcare, even poor people who need it the most, what a bastard! Americans are unbelievable.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Liumingke1234, you said, "There was a time when the police was part of the solution and not the problem.". When was that exactly? Was it from the founding of the US to about the late 1960s, when police would beat black people for daring to act like humans? Or, when they would beat up and falsely arrest the Irish for being Irish? When exactly was this dream Conservative utopia that you speak of?

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Haali, many (most) Americans believe that poor people are poor only because they are lazy and refuse to work. Thus, they hate helping the poor.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Vote for an independent - Like Ron Paul - and he does not get to go to the debate although he came out 3rd - instead they invited #1,2, and 4.

Or you can vote using one of the new and fancy voting computers which will count any vote for the Puppet of Choice only.

In Australia, they have to vote, don't hear them complaining too much - thats because they are all brainwashed zombies and complaining achieves nothing - who can you complain to?

Like in the US - complain to who? Write a letter to your Congressman or Senator? What a joke.

Obviously you do not understand the purpose of forced Obamacare - it is not to give health care to poor people but rather to get more money from the people - this is why many people who had insurance were terminated and forced to get OC - which has higher rates - wait and see - the rates will only get higher - only time will tell.

laofengzi (376 posts) • 0

ive met 'rich' people that make 40k a year. they live within their means, and budget well. they save their money and use the credit system to their advantage. poor people ive met, smoke, drink, or eat out daily. 30k usd, scholarships, foodstamps, house subsity, various tax breaks, and working the credit system a single person can live very well in the US. its eveb easier in the uk

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