If you are afraid of big brother watching you, than you are in the wrong place.
Most Chinese software automatically installs backdoor access, recording and tracking info's you wouldn't like to give up or share. Comparing to that stuff,- google, facebook and all the others are a joke.
I worked for a company whose programmer [prodigy] worked for Tom.com and tencent and he said never ever, ever, ever, ever, install chinese software, especially not if it's from a gov. owned company. Which is pretty much every major IT-business.
He said even if they are not trying to track, trace, scan and record, it's just a mash of different, stolen software mixed together with half-assed troubleshooting and quality control, etc. it will slow down you system and use at least two if not 3 times the CPU-memory [of the original software], make other programs crash or act funny.
And he was right. on my work laptop, which I leave often for other staff to use, and it being abused with storm-player, alipay, baidu software, all sorts of beautification apps etc. it takes 2 minutes to open an medium size image, let alone use any other high duty software.
When I routinely uninstall all that crap, the machine works fine.
And all the spam, malware and virus alarms, cease.