
Professional I. T. Training in english?

faraday (213 posts) • 0

Thats what I'm looking for, at microsoft certification level. All and any kinds of programming languages, architecture, and technoligies.

Does it exist?

faraday (213 posts) • 0

Anyplace else in China? And for online, any links? I found some links but none turned out to be real/gave me a good impression/.. /.

Background is, my company is sending me to switzerland for a 3 day course, costing 35000 plus travel, hotel. i don't want to go, looking for an alternative closer by :) I got a recommendation to do a search in Philippines which I'll try tomorrow.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Microsoft only allows Chinese Nationals to take certification tests within China and only in Chinese. Closest is Hong Kong where you can take the tests at a number of training centres there (I have been doing exactly that for some technical certifications).

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

go to swiss. you will have lots in common with classmates and your experiential learning will be very hight and your networiking for future may alos benefitr. i have seen lots of i.t. chimps here. full of confidence lacking in competence. some of these will be your classmates an if they feel threatened they will shut you out also hknese are can be clicky. and you will only ever be party to half the discussions anyway this will also limit your learning.

faraday (213 posts) • 0

I'm struggling trying to find info from the Philippines..bad connection, bad websites (no prices shown) etc. Sent a couple of mails and will see.

@blobbles,any specific place to recommend? I'm looking for sharepoint, BI, sql, advanced msoffice etc. In english...? The actual certification is not so essential..as long as the training is provided.

@dazzer, I don't care where it is as long as its as convenient as possible :) I'm more interested in the course content than in networking, which will be the case for most participants of this kind of I.T. training, considering costs...Even rich evil wastefull corporations don't throw 10.000 per day on training guys who are just there to hang out.

Dazzer (2813 posts) • 0

you an me both knows that professional networking is not about hanging out. but the experienctial learning is vital at pro level. do you want to learn to do stuff with kids just graduated with a major attitute? and perhaps daddy to pay. if you learn with other pros with a few miles and several projects behinds them then go to swiss. if you go to hk most of the class discussions will slide into cantoneese a lot of the time, and you wont beneift. that is what i meant by being left out. seen it before mate. how is your cantona?

faraday (213 posts) • 0

Well, I've been doing these things in the past, all over europe and US, and generally I dont see kids at all, everyone is 35+. I have a hard time believing that "juniors" are doing 10k/day classes.
Cantonese..forget it :) As long as instruction and materials are mainly in english, thats all i need. As well as a valid tax receipt...

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

I only went for the exams so can't comment on the training and can't recommend a place. From the places I have been to, Dazzer is on the money regarding classmate interaction but training is delivered in English with a little Cantonese sometimes used. Likely if a laowai is in the class they wouldn't use any though, for teaching anyway.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

I used to use IT training to look for potential staff. Training away from the company is an excellent way to profile an employee's behavior - serious or unreliable.

I've also sent staff to training (EXPENSIVE!) to give them professional credentials - learned the hard way - you can dress a potato in a suit...

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