
Charlie Hebdo & media distortion

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Utterly disingenuous, mischievous to state 'There's nothing wrong with debating various issues.....' when you are fully aware that 'discussing' the broad topic of 'media distortions' is fine if you take a supportive view of government policy. It is of course noticeable you have done just that. Are you seriously expecting a full debate on the broad issue of media distortion? If not, you are just grandstanding from a safe pedestal.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

I doubt if it's necessary to directly and openly support government policy to discuss this here.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

You're right - my english vocabulary is really starting to suck - but I wasn't sure if "Arab" is the correct term to cover the people group - as Moors are also Islamic and I couldn't decide whether the issue was a people group or a religious group, so I went with Islamic as it was more of an Islamic group.

Now - the next few statements may tick you off - but please don't be offended - I really have the highest respect for your literary prowess.

The topic was interesting - however I thought it best to simply ignore this thread as it followed so closely behind the recent UNMODERATED flame wars between various gokm users - and the topic seemed controversially perfect enough to continue baiting various gokm bloggers.

Radical Islam, unabated Freedom of Speech, and the media - a perfect storm or religion and politics to ensure not lively debate and sharing of ideas and culture - but more of an attempt to initiate yet another bitterly bipolarized flame war...and based on @alien's rather insensitive, off-topic response to @liumingke's post on how to eventually honor their family pet in passing - this post looked more like the work of an arsonist.

Now - I may be WAY off on this analysis, as I'm an exceptionally paranoid old man (but again, HFCAMPO's a professional paranoid - since he actually researches his topics) - but the timing is coincidental following so closely on the heels of a recently extinguished, but still smoldering wave of flames, I've noticed the author's style of writing is cunning and full of insidious but quite subtle attacks designed to elicit strong emotional if not polarized responses, mixed with feigned innocence - and as @nnoble et al opine - the author remains an "unverified" gokm contributor - which isn't a bad thing - but why?

I don't particularly care whether @alien's a verified user, a troll, or gokm blog arsonist. I enjoy observing his/her command of the English language and his/her ability to attack, withdraw, distract, cloak, blend, vacillate, and defend. To start fires then pass the flames to others, occasionally wading in to fan the flames or feign innocence to maintain feigned neutrality, incite others - sheer mastery.

It helps keep me mentally sharp - at least in written English - which is a critical contractual negotiation skill. The subtle, yet insidiously personal attacks are absolutely great - they even throw me off and distract me. @Alien is truly a master of the art of online war, making full use of diverse Chinese military strategies - for what purpose - I don't know, don't care - but it's really impressive to witness.

Personal attacks are also a negotiation skill - they're used to distract, delay, or ambush your opponent, while you focus on your own agenda(s). The key to maintaining a flame is to mask the attack in a seemingly innocent string continuation - like a trojan horse.

Sometimes, @alien slips up - as in his attempted hijack of Liumingke's pet thread - that was too obvious - and beginning this thread was way too overt, but entertaining, if not moderately successful, nevertheless - kudos - @alien's even managed to draw @nnoble into the fray - that's seriously impressive.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

I have no doubt that speaking ideas and opinions directly in opposition to government policy is unwise.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

What I meant was debate is fine - but let's not devolve into name calling and personal attacks...but my opinionated verbosity once again confused and masked the issue.


Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Laotou: I don't know who I've attacked, directly or indirectly, except perhaps for a few pissed-off comments that I can't even remember. I have attacked ideas and points of view that I disagree with, and will continue to do so, and am willing to present my reasons for doing so. I'd like to see others do the same.
As for verified/unverified - I might ask why people bother to verify - maybe I'm naive or something, but I don't get the point either way.
And that's about all the personal defense I'm interested in presenting - and no, I don't consider your post to be a personal attack or an 'idiotic comment'.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Thanks for being gracious. Again - I appreciate your candor.

Verification provides the illusion that the blogger is somehow vetted by the site as a genuine person as opposed to, say someone posting tantra mantra, black magic, and inter-cast (misspelled - should be inter-caste) love.

Let's meet up sometime for coffee or tea. PM me.

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