
Kunming - English teaching jobs and air quality

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

living here before you get a job or before you go somewhere else? You'll need a visa if you're not already in China.

wmoore (6 posts) • 0

Based on what I've been reading on this forum, and my level of Mandarin, I would like to obtain a job (and visa) in Kunming, and then consider living in parts beyond, maybe trying to pick up the local dialect.

I'm in Ecuador until August. I appreciate everyone's advice. Moving internationally can be challenging, to say the least.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

I began learning Chinese decades ago and have been here awhile, but have not been successful in picking up the local dialects. However, standard Putonghua works with most people in most situations in Kunming, and in most other areas there will be people who speak it as well - not to worry.

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