
which city has the most beautiful girls?

xiaococo (53 posts) • 0

Uh... What???!!! You call Kunming girls... What??! That's terrible. On behalf of all Kunming girls, your attitude towards women is disgusting.

chris8080 (226 posts) • 0

whoah, relax! it was just a bit of harmless banter. don't pretend you girls never talk about us guys in demeaning terms. in chinese ugly man is called 蛤蟆 which means toad. it's funny, nothing to be upset about :)

anyway, crustacean is not a bad thing to call someone. crustaceans are the great survivors on our planet and were one of the earliest forms of life. there have been crustacean fossils found which came from the middle cambrian age - around 500,000,000 years ago! and it's estimated there are currently over 60,000 species of crustaceans in existence. pretty damn impressive if you ask me.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Some things are meant to be discussed in private among confidants instead of in an open forum.

Me thinks chris8080 is a crustacean, how else can you explain his hardheadedness and insensitivity.

husky888 (3 posts) • 0

mike4g_air: Too often true in aspiration, and equal parts sad. Luckily, enough exceptions exist for many relatively decent guys.

All in all, bigger cities have better looking, sometimes more intelligent and slightly more worldly people. No shocker there, it's a number's game. That's especially true if you're able to filter out the fuglies, un(der)educated, less traveled, etc. people. For example, Shanghai versus Kunming versus Lijiang versus abundant small villages. Whether they're better people ... beauty's in the eyes of the beholders.

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