
which city has the most beautiful girls?

kevlar (42 posts) • 0

Pretty offensive to any women, not just women from Kunming. I sense a deep resentment from the OP, possibly stemming from erectile dysfunction. Hope he gets it worked out, poor guy. He's obviously Gods gift to women..

Haali (1178 posts) • 0

My girlfriend and both noticed that people in general, not just women, are a lot less good looking here than in the east. Of the cities I've been to, Hangzhou has the best looking people. Apparently it is renowned for this. Perhaps its partly due to being a rich city, rich people tend to have better looking spouses and therefore make better looking children.

Tonyaod (824 posts) • 0

Another loser laowai, sorry, had to be said. Frankly, I am ashamed to be a man right now.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

I have notice many many beautiful women all over China, including in Kunming.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

Back home years ago, I thought the girls from London, Birmingham, the South were better looking. In reality, they were just as good looking, but the local culture was that girls spent more time on their appearance, i.e clothes, make-up.
In China, I know that Shanghai girls do seem to pay more attention to appearance. These are the looks that time and money can buy. They are not natural.
As my old sexist, man whore buddy used to say, "see them in the morning without the make-up and they are all vanilla".

If you want the enhanced look, go east. If you want the natural look, go west.

redjon77 (510 posts) • 0

Well I know I see plenty of pretty women in Kunming, my wife for one, so let's not bound areas together like your gonna find a treasure trove by just moving area!
Look to yourself, if the package your offering in Kunming ain't no good it isn't getting better by moving :)

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

High maintenance vs Low Maintenance. Most serious women are not interested in men under 30. Not saying you can not find women if you are under 30, they just are not serious. Next step is finding a woman with brains. Nowadays you can find a woman with a degree but that does not mean she has an education. Most women with a degree can not find Vietnam on a map because she has no real education. Then you have the problem of english speaking and non english speaking which is a whole other can of worms. Seems the OP is just out for looks so my point is mute.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Looks are nice but for me is all about the love, personality and loyalty and the 'how we get along' that's important to me. I think the older you are the more you can appreciate that. Not to say that beauty is not important but not that important that you are blinded by it. I love beautiful women. Who doesn't? But I've learned that having a really beautiful woman can be a double edged sword because that means other guys want her too and will disrepect her and you especially in the West.

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

Ha haaaa... Love it when people deride others for a lack of English skills, then in the same tirade make a classic mistake. Are you sure your point is mute (ie it cannot be heard)? Or is it moot (ie it is doubtful or has little value)?

I find Guangzhou girls the hottest in China but I am into short and skinny, being short and skinny myself.

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