
U.N. Committee against Torture urged United S

blobbles (958 posts) • 0

The UN won't prosecute its biggest funder... in fact everyone sucks up to the US - the Hague should have prosecuted Henry Kissenger for crimes against humanity for carpet bombing most of Cambodia and Laos. Instead the mass murderer received the Nobel Peace prize! Obama received the Nobel Peace prize while conducting drone strikes killing dozens of innocents while running two wars.

The problem is also the American people are apathetic to most of the ideals they are supposed to hold as sacrosanct. Freedom important or patriot act important? Who cares. Real democracy important or the persistent invasion of money into their politics destroying any chance of real democracy? Who cares. Rampant racism or peaceful understanding? Who cares. Taking the lead from other countries in dealing with your problems (healthcare/gun laws/education systems/etc)? Naaaah, we know how to solve all our problems ourselves... everyone should follow us!

The apathy of the voting ignorant means that nothing will change and if any international people wish to make them change it will get their backs up and they will start crying "FREEDOM" as if it is something they haven't already lost (see what was insinuated when the UN tried to restrict the export of small arms - they all started crying 2nd Amendment even though it wouldn't have affected them at all). Unfortunately they have a battle hardened and provocative military and "intelligence" machine behind them linked directly to mass media. This makes domestic change virtually impossible while forcing the rest of the world to kiss their feet lest they become the next target. UN crackdown on police brutality in the US? Not going to happen. Half of the US don't even know what the UN is, another quarter think the UN is a conspiracy for world domination... (*purposefully exaggerated, sorry!)

AlexKMG (2387 posts) • 0

Yeah, people who order air strikes should be disqualified from the peace prize...oh wait...Obama. Also, the US created the UN or it's predecessor anyways (yet another peace prize winner; possible airstrikes via biplane).

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