
You Think to Much?

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

I am often told by Chinese friends in Kunming "You Think Too Much". OK what does this really mean? Your thoughts on this? If so, what do I do about solving this problem if it is one? Solutions?

yankee00 (1632 posts) • 0

Focus on these instead and it will solve the problem:

"You are handsome!"
"Your Chinese is very good!"
"You are very smart!"
"You are so strong!"
"Your country is very good at (...)!"

Nanxiliu (1 post) • 0

As a Chinese, We are not used to think about anything which is not related to ourselves !

No brain no pain


laotou (1714 posts) • 0

It simply means you are too profound and philosophical for your current circle of friends who prefer to banter at a superficial level.

These people are good as drinking buddies and party fillers where you just need warm bodies without substance...or want to escape from excessively deep thought.

OceanOcean (1193 posts) • 0

I agree. They are basically saying that you are over-analysing things rather than just "going with the flow" or accepting things as they are (something the patient/passive Chinese are very good at IMO)

lawlz0mg (201 posts) • 0

laotou hit the nail on the head. those type of people will always follow the leader.

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

Many, I mean a lot, of university students and staff say this. Problem?

nnoble (889 posts) • 0

.......or are they saying 'Yes, I know what you mean, but you shouldn't think too much'.

ubergerber (6 posts) • 0

This was also bugging me because it didn't make any sense in the contexts they were saying it to me. I finally asked my friend to explain it to me after she said it for the fiftieth time, and we figured out that it really means "You expect too much," like you're being optimistic about something that probably won't happen. So far that's made sense every time I've heard it since.

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