
Temporary Need of Vehicle

excellingsh (3 posts) • 0

Dear GoKunming Reader,

I would like some guidance. I will be visiting Kunming by February's end and will be looking for a reliable form of transportation. I am more or less leaning towards using a temporary vehicle for about one month's period. I already have a Chinese driver's license and adequate "China" driving skills - but no car. That stated I was hoping someone could help me out with the following information:

1) Vehicle Rental company(s). English or Chinese does not matter.
2) Recommending a private driver/vehicle for a month's period. In case there is no option 1 available.
3) Any other advice as far as driving in Kunming. Yes, I know the traffic is bad there. I mean, I can't possibly be the only person in Kunming who has this dilemna right?

Any information is appreciated.

Best Regards,


hillaryrong (7 posts) • 0

hi excellingsh

did you look for some guidance and reliable form of transportation in kunming.even Vehicle Rental company or private driver. I was very appreciate to help you,but I thought it is too late I just saw you notice now .if it is ok,I will give you all of detailed information transportation to you.

my email lhr009@hotmail.com

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