
孙子兵法 or is it 孫子兵法?

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

I noticed that in my notes an "The Art of War," I have both it both ways:

孙子兵法 and


Can anyone tell me which is correct?

I lost some books in my hasty evacuation to the US in March.

jambert (2 posts) • 0

is simplified, is traditional, so both are correct.

I recommend that you download a in-browser character-reading plugin, the good ones display traditional/simplified versions of characters or phrases you mouse over. The answer to your question is also quite easily located on wikipedia.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Thanks, I found it.

I use the Google IME for simplified (PRC) Chinese which makes no distinction between and .

I once had a book or document which compared simplified and traditional characters but as I age and lose my mind I have no idea where it is.

neddy (277 posts) • 0

Since this is on topic, does anyone know of a free Kindle Paperwhite version of the Art of War that I can download?

bluppfisk (398 posts) • 0

Google Pinyin IME is an input method, not a character reader.

For Chrome, you can use the free plugin Zhongwen Popup Dictionary, which will results from CCCEDICT for any Chinese character and/or word you hover over.

Geezer (1953 posts) • 0

Yeah, I know it is an IME. My problem is that it produced the traditional instead of the simplified and I took as a different character. I should have gone to my Pleco and checked it.

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