
Americans: what do you do about health insurance

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

What is needed in the US is a decent national health system, like those in Western Europe, Canada etc. - but after many decades of brainwashing the idea that such social welfare is 'socialism' (it is not - it is merely capitalism with the social welfare necessary to allow capitalism to continue more effectively - something Franklin Roosevelt realized when he legitimated the US union movement) is so deeply imbedded, and reinforced by organizations such as the American Medical Association, that it will take a hell of a lot of leveling of the media & educational playing field before US citizens will be able to consider the idea a bit more objectively. I won't comment on Obamacare because I don't really know much about how it works, but my impression is that he actually did try to move in the right direction but was held back by the forces that be (and in general I'm not a big Obama fan).

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

Like I said YOU not me have to decide what's best for YOU. In MY world what I said is factual from what I have seen and experience. We pay into social security for our retirement and then the government takes that money and replaces it with I.O.U. which they shouldn't and spend it on something else thereby bankrupting the fund. When it's my time to retire at age 62-65 who know if there will be any money for me. In the meantime they give out social security benefits to all these healthy people pretending to be sick and milking the system. People don't mind paying for insurance but it's become more evident that the system is broken and stealing the funds.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Liumingke: I agree, the system is broke, they have screwed up US social security, but it's not healthy people pretending to be sick that are the major culprits.

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

what is the ratio of those milking healthy people...any data on the amount of cash the cost the county.s retirement fund.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

Any child can figure out that saving the money instead of giving it to an insurance company is not only a good investment but will give you better results when one gets sick. Only a fool will pay for insurance.

Magnifico (1981 posts) • 0

maybe the whole insurance thing needs to be completely re-vamped:

for minor issues, people should just pay out of their own pockets.

everyone should put a very small amount into a global insurance to cover catastrophes. so anyone who gets a chronic illness or car accident is covered.

then, with lifestyle issues leading to illness like smoking, it gets more complex. but maybe the health care system should focus more on prevention.

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Campo: OK, if everybody can have an income that will allow him/her to cover major medical costs. But this is not the case.
And then there are health threats to children, especially children of the poor, who haven't collected enough of their own acorns yet for a rainy day. Are they supposed to suffer for their parents' low incomes?

Ifoundthetuna (370 posts) • 0

so you can pay the medical bill for a seroius disease in the range of say 200.000 US$.

so how do you save up that much money just in time before disease or accidents hit you. if i would have saved 1000$ a month dilligently, starting from the age of 25. not considering paying back student loans, no house payments, no illness, no marriage, no kids....no interruption in saving 1000$ (which is impossible in the first place), i would have reached at my humble age of 38, about...156 thousand dollars. in my previously stated case it would have gotten me,to half a liver transplanted in the hospital's car park and no medz or care afterwards.

so what does a grown up.like you save up that much money to pay for cases like that.

doing a short math example, it seems 1500$ a year is cheaper than saving up on your own. if i would have paid 19500 (already ibcluding my wife and kid which i didn.t have at a younger age).
plus i get full cover for the bad stuff.

as every child would know, if the name wouldn.t already strongly indicate,.... that insurance is not investment.

but i think campo, you know that but your authority and honor won't allow you to admit it.

though, i guess you would be the first one to complain, if something serious would bring you to a huge hospital bill ( knock on wood it won.t happen to you, or anyone)

don.t you receive insurance as a former soldier? isn.t that part of the deal? what is it calkwd veterans ...something something.

HFCAMPO (3062 posts) • 0

like I said - only a fool! Must be all those vaccines that make people so sickly and weak and the drugs and alcohol that require liver transplants. Haha Hehe!!!

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

@Campo: Can't quite understand your last post, Campo - doesn't seem to deal with issues presented by other posters.

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