
Chinese Traditional Painting Class??

cyskmg (6 posts) • 0

Hi, I'm looking to learn how to do traditional Chinese painting. Any suggestions of instructors or places where I can go?


enjoykunming (12 posts) • 0


My friend Liv (Liu li fen) she is a free lancer artist.

Liv graduated from Yunnan art Institute and major in Chinese tranditional painting.

She teachs in her studio which located at the Art Loft, above TCG/Nordica.

She might going to have a exhsibition at TCG/Nordica the 10th of Jan. Better to call her and check it out.

She is not in town at the moment so better to text message to her. But she will be back in 3 days.

She speaks very good English as well.

Liv's number: 13888298885


Good luck!

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