
somthing about the bomber

Tomcat (21 posts) • 0

After the bomber was deadly injured, he was still conscious when being sent to the hospital, he told the doctors and policemen that he did the bus bombing in July. "why?" the surprised policmen asked. "hatred!" he answered.
according to the investigation of police, in the morning of July 21, bus bombing happed in kunming, in the afternoon of the same day, the bomber appeared in Qujing(a city 200 kilometers away from kunming), celebrating birthday for one of his female friends. the bomber was very critical of society, words like "dark" often appeared in his speech, and that not long ago, he once said spontaneously:" I am sure I will die in this year." Maybe he had a hunch that he would be exposed. Fortunately he told the police this important information before he died, thereby it made the police could link these two apparently inconnected cases together so quickly. Why the bomb blast at 10:30? maybe the bomber himself did not make this clear in his last moment of life. But professional speculate on that: the over self-confident bomber set a time by mistake, he forgot the difference between 22:30 and 10:30. So the time bomber exploded accidently. The day before bus bombing happened, some kunming citizens received a very mysterious alarming cellpone message:" I hope citizens who received this message would not take No. 54, 64, 84 bus tomorrow morning." Did the bomber involved in this message? The police said that they have not neglected this question, correlated investigation has been going on all the while.

Ishmael (462 posts) • 0

Tomcat, I have no reason to doubt this story, but in Kunming we are sometimes misinformed, though usually it is a matter of info that is not given rather than info that is. Anyway, I think it would be a good idea to let us know how you came by this information

Ishmael (462 posts) • 0

I was glad to see that gokunming was permitted to publish Colin & Kris's account of the event.

Tomcat (21 posts) • 0

Ishmael, I got info of the bomber from Chinese internet page, since Chinese media can not be trusted,I am not sure of it is true of false, what I write here is just for reference.
More about the bomber:
The bomber's parents divorced when he was a child, he left school when was in the first grade of junior high school, became a debauchee in the streets. He is a impious son in the eyes of his father, he called himself "orphan" when he was twelve.
His father, a 68 old man, was unaware of what had happened to his son until the policemen popped up. He expressed regret over that he could not turn the debauchee son back to school. Now this lonely oldman has no opportunity to know his "strange" son, "mischief, stubborn, culprit" are all his memories of his son.
"To be honest, I don't care whatever happens to him, we have had an apathy to each other from long before."

"My son was very smart, bold and lucky..."his father can recall clearly: when the bomber was only two and an half years old, he once fell from the second floor down to the ground on where was a pile of scrap iron, nine in ten would die if a child fell from there, but he got up and ran away at once as soon as he fell over himself to the pile of scrap iron.
"His mother doted upon him too much, otherwise he would not leave school so early", his father said, he left school after he wrote off a scrip to his teacher, it was very simple:"Thank you, teacher, I drop out." his father beat up him and thinks he did a right thing until now, but his beating did not turn his son back to school.
"After leaving school, he was fooling abound with his friends..."At that time, seeing his son was idling about, his father tried to teach him cooking skill, but his son refused. "I am an qualified chef, but he despised me, he said cooking is women's job, he would rather die than learn it." These words hurted his father very much.
in 2000, the bomber was sentenced to nine years in prison for robbery and demolish property with intent, etc, but he was released in 2007 for good behavior .  
After he came out of prison, he changed to another person. His neighbors said, no one dared to offend the bomber, people walked away when they saw him. People even dare not say hello to him after he cut off someone's finger.
Approved by his older sister, the bomber's mentality changed a lot after he came out of prison, or rather, the experience in prison provoked the darkest side in the cockles of the heart, then it flared up at a flying speed.

Expert said: "An antisocial personality disorder have been formed gradually due to divorce of his parents, leaving school too early, prison life, he had a very serious mental problem, inferiority complex and destitution provoked him to behave extremely. His craziness is not due to unfairness of society, but the mental crisis rooted in his heart."

MikeyD (4 posts) • 0

what a crock... why did you think anyone would be even remotely interested in this drivel ?!

we'll probably never know what the real motive or agenda was behind either the bus bombings or the Salvador's incident so why don't we all just be thankful no-one was hurt and move on from all this ?

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