
Help needed - Chinese Bible

SuYuna (8 posts) • 0

A friend of mine asked me a favour and now I have to ask someone who has the Holy Bible in Chinese for a favour:

I need the chinese translation of a verse of Psalm 23 - "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me"

Thank you very much for help!

Ahmet (98 posts) • 0

Poisoning the minds of the Chinese one person at a time. What a shame that this stuff is being disseminated even in Chinese.

Liumingke1234 (3297 posts) • 0

All religions do the same in one form or another. Follow none and you will be better off.

Bernie (101 posts) • 0

Only one sensible response (timkunming). Contrary to popular opinion, I would often ask EFL students the following question - as a means of discussion. Are you religious? Most would say nothing and the others would say 'No' (Having read Chairman Mao's little red book, I suppose). Then, we would discuss the reasons for their wearing of a crucifix or buddhist beads. The answer is, of course, that most people are religious. I'm not talking about whether one is a Christian, Muslim, et al, I'm asking, do you ever say "Oh, my God" and mean it. Think about that for a moment, because if you don't, then, you must be superhuman.

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