A friend of mine asked me a favour and now I have to ask someone who has the Holy Bible in Chinese for a favour:
I need the chinese translation of a verse of Psalm 23 - "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me"
Thank you very much for help!
Poisoning the minds of the Chinese one person at a time. What a shame that this stuff is being disseminated even in Chinese.
All religions do the same in one form or another. Follow none and you will be better off.
Or simply let people do what makes them happy. So long as they aren't hurting anyone, it shouldn't be a problem.
Only one sensible response (timkunming). Contrary to popular opinion, I would often ask EFL students the following question - as a means of discussion. Are you religious? Most would say nothing and the others would say 'No' (Having read Chairman Mao's little red book, I suppose). Then, we would discuss the reasons for their wearing of a crucifix or buddhist beads. The answer is, of course, that most people are religious. I'm not talking about whether one is a Christian, Muslim, et al, I'm asking, do you ever say "Oh, my God" and mean it. Think about that for a moment, because if you don't, then, you must be superhuman.