
Sinus Issues - Seriously?

Long-Dragon (393 posts) • 0

Nasal Infections will fo this. If you hava a sinus or nasal infection you need strong full strength antibiotics taken for the full course of the prescribed treatment. Nasal flushes should be done with this. A light baking soda solution in bottled or boiled water in a squeeze bottle. In your nose out through your mouth.

mutigers77 (22 posts) • 0

These are all some good suggestions. Thank you. I've tried most of them including using my Netti Pot for the last 3 months. I'll give a few of these other suggestions a try as well.

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

I think you can get Amoxycillin at the pharmacy without a prescription.

As suggested, a course of antibiotics with the nose flush may be effective.

It may help to see a doctor, but finding a reliable doctor is not as easy as it sounds. You would need help with this.

mutigers77 (22 posts) • 0

Yeah I just started some Amoxycillin...but if my sight doesn't improve by tomorrow I should probably just go see an eye doctor. I'm guessing the Red Cross hospital would have one?

Alien (3819 posts) • 0

#2 Hospital has one, and I think other hospitals must too. I had some experience with the eye folks at #2 hospital, but it was just a matter of examining a new condition (new floaters) to see what it was. They did it right. Condition not serious but probably permanent, so I haven't done anything further.

Another time, had bad lung infection, affected my eye socket a bit; went to nearest hospital (on Jinhuapulu about 2 blocks north of Renminxilu - private, cheap, small), they gave me a lung X-ray, prescribed antibiotics for 5 days, I did it, it cleared up.

But I rarely have any serious sinus problems and no allergies that I know of.

nailer (99 posts) • 0

mutigers77, Im kind of in the same situation as u, ive tried lots of remedies, antibiotics, sprays, neti pot, wearing a mask etc but nothing has helped, so im leaving this year.

can u tell me where u got the tests done in Thailand? cost? waiting time etc?

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