
How to find Marketing & Comms. Jobs in Kunming

Saurabh (2 posts) • 0

Good morning!

I am actively looking for opportunities in marketing and communications positions in Kunming. I hope to relocate to Kunming permanently. I understand larger cities in China have better opportunities but my first preference is Kunming.

However it seems almost impossible to get information about jobs other than English teachers. Can anyone please give me some advice on this. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

About me -

I have 6 years of extensive communications and marketing experience with diverse industries including Advertising, Market research, Aviaiton and international Wildlife conservation. Comprehensive exposure in governmental and non-governmental sectors at a global level.

minos (1 post) • 0

The only one question is....Can you speak Chinese mandarin?
technical speaking that we could not offer a job for a laowai who can not speak Chinese. no offense.

laotou (1714 posts) • 0

Firstly - I'm NOT trying to troll you. However, I find your request for info on marketing and comms jobs strangely contradictory. Marketing and comms, by nature, are required to ferret out market segments, contact info, etc as part of your professional working resume.

Anyway - my perhaps eccentric perspective/ viewpoint aside - go look at zhaopin.com and search for jobs in Kunming. As @minos mentioned - best if you have reading, writing, and oral communication skills - and don't expect a magnanimous salary, unless you add sales & marketing with sales quotas and commissions to your resume.

Saurabh (2 posts) • 0

Thank you for the information. After continual searches on various websites did I finally post here.

@laotou thank you. I have gone through a lot of Chinese job boards but most of them have either no information with regard to kunming or only require English teachers. Considering I am a market research professional I have been trying to get relevant information for my profile for a few months but to no avail (opportunities in Kunming). I have found good opportunities in other cities of China but since Kunming is my first preference I thought I would wait it out for a while. Only after a considerable amount of time spent crawling through the various websites including Zhaopin did I finally post here. Thank you again.

@minos thank you for your suggestion. I am currently in the process of learning Mandarin and hopefully by the end of this year should be able to grasp the basics at least. Thank you!

Howietp (2 posts) • 0

Hi Saurabh, Our web-based insurance company is looking for an online sales and marketing manager to spearhead our expansion into China. You'd be responsible for business development and would develop and manage all comms channels. You could reside anywhere in China as long as there's internet access. I'm currently working on the job description and will post to this forum shortly. Let me know if you want me to send that your way. Thanks!

Jennaxu (3 posts) • 0

Hi, Saurabh, if you are interested in tea business and Chinese tea culture, I might have a job recommendation for you. if you like, we may have a talk, PM me

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