
language exchange

Mzkwrx (3 posts) • 0

I am a local people, and I will go to the UK to finish my study. I want to improve my English level, and also I can help you to have a good time in Kunming. My e-mail: marui-27@163.com My number: 18087836151

Roobi (2 posts) • 0


I'm Roberta from Italy and I am going to be in Kunmiing from the 15th July til the 10th August, I speak a little bit chinese and english fluently and I was looking for someone to improve my chinese level with!
We could be language partner even though I'm not native english :)

Tougher (2 posts) • 0

Hey! Roberta I am Chinese girl. I wold love to help you improve your
Chinese! If you are interest in it. You can call me 18208840601

Roobi (2 posts) • 0

Perfect! I write it down and I'll text you or call you when I get there.. meanwhile do you have an email address? Thank you

Sathya (7 posts) • 0

I wrote to you on your mail and my id is Sathyarao.gutta@gmail.com

GoK Moderator (5096 posts) • 0

It is really not a good idea to share personal info on open forum. There are bots that crawl the web looking for this to add to malware, adware, lists.
Using the PM system is more secure, but really it is up to you.

Moderator (46 posts) • 0

tigertiger is exactly right. If you find it essential to post your contact information anywhere on the internet, we highly encourage you to use the following format:


Also, this forum should have been shifted to the classifieds section long ago. Our mistake.

If you are looking for language exchange partners, please check here:


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