
夜生活 9:00pm

MZN Night


MZN Night
开年大盘鸡,你可能会在我们的开年派对里,享受到FUNK、UK BASS、FOOTWORK、LEFTFIELD BASS等曲风。

MZN Night是MZN9线下系列派对,以呈现不同音乐曲风的味蕾模式打开你的周末夜晚,为大家带来味觉+视觉 筛选大餐,邀请各类音乐人呈现不同文化分享。

MZN Night is a series of parties on the MZN9 offline, opening your weekend Night with the taste bud mode of presenting different music styles, bringing you a feast of taste + visual screening, and inviting all kinds of musicians to present different cultures and share.

At the MZN9 party, feel different and maybe hear the latest music!

It's the beginning of the Year of the Ox, Good music at the beginning of the year will be handed over to us! You will listen to UK BASS、FOOTWORK、LEFTFIELD BASS.








DJ WATERMELON 结束了了14年年的海外生活,于2013年归国, 渐渐在国内各个活动上崭露头角。在海外求学时,已是时装周和各大派对以 及音乐节的常客。现国内少数坚持用黑胶唱片播放现场的DJ,也是国内⿊胶唱片文化的推广者之一。
作为一名狂热的唱片收藏爱好者, 音乐风格涉猎广泛,很难用⼀一种风格来定 义概括。所以,大到俱乐部小到咖啡馆,远到音乐节近到时尚秀, 在各类不同的场合和活动,皆能看到他的身影。
出身音乐世家的他从小受到专业的音乐训练,对音乐有着天生的灵性,现场不拘泥一格, 对律动和节奏有着独特的理解 形成了WATERMELON式特有的现场风格。
DJ WATERMELON 是 DADA 北京的常驻DJ,八年期间,他也策划了我们 Lost & Found,Get Out Your House派对。他是一位充满活力,音乐品味和技巧兼收并蓄的DJ。

After 14 years overseas DJ WATERMELON returned to China in 2013. Since then he has become involved in many cultural activities and is one of the few DJs who insists on playing vinyl and actively promotes record culture in China.
As an avid album collector, he explores many different music styles and has played many different venues from clubs, cafes, music festivals to fashion shows.
DJ WATERMELON has played music since he was a child and is also a professionally trained musician. He has a natural spirituality for music and has a unique understanding of rhythm which has made a unique contribution to China's music scene.

DJ WATERMELON often DJs at DADA Beijing, and curates our Lost & Found, and Get Out Your House parties, going strong for 8 years. He's a dynamic DJ with eclectic taste and skill.

Trafford 是一个声音收集者,喜欢挖掘一些奇怪的音乐,迷恋于音色,你能从他的Set里发现各种的音色设计。追求节奏与低音的他沉浸在UK Bass、Footwork 、Leftfield Bass、Wonky Beats、Jersey Club、Bubblegum Bass等各种俱乐部音乐中。

Trafford is a sound collector. He likes to dig out some strange music and is obsessed with timbre. You can find all kinds of sound designs in his Set. In pursuit of rhythm and bass, he is immersed in various club music such as UK Bass, Footwork, Leftfield Bass, Wonky Beats, Jersey Club, Bubblegum Bass, etc.

THE SHINING, 一个喜欢探寻新的声音,喜欢打破固有架构的音乐人,2019年开始就开始挖掘曲风直接的融合,实现个人风格化,受 Howie Lee 的影响,也在探索民族和电子乐的结合,开始筹划了个人第一个独立的民族电子专辑《异闻录》,同期也去了西南各个地方采风创作,聆听西南深处。2020年,发布其民族专辑其中一首曲子《飞奴》受圈内认可与好评,9月发行的《念》受国内制作人王璐,马海平等人的认可,12月发布的《隐逸山林》收到了AntiGeneral的肯定,其演出的set也以低音,民族,意境为主,探寻民族文化的本质。

THE SHINING is a musician who enjoys exploring new sounds and breaking out of established structures. From the beginning of 2019, THE SHINING has been digging into the direct fusion of tunes to achieve personal stylization. Due to the influence of Howie Lee, THE SHINING began to explore the combination of ethnic and electronic music and planned his first independent ethnic electronic album "Different Stories". In the same period, THE SHINING also traveled to various parts of the Southwest to listen to the depths of the Southwest. In 2020, THE SHINING released one of the songs of her ethnic album "FeiNu", which was recognized and praised by the community. In September, THE SHINING released the album "Nian", which was recognized by domestic producers Wang Lu and Ma Haiping, and its performance set also features bass, ethnicity, and mood, exploring the essence of ethnic culture.

Summer Fall:
Summer Fall 来自大理的擅长黑胶的HIP-HOP DJ, 毕业于北京音乐学院的他, 忠于热爱的音乐,用自己的热情诠释每一个音符。

Summer Fall is a Hip-Hop DJ from Dali who is good at vinyl. Graduated from Beijing Conservatory of Music, he is loyal to his favorite music and interprets every note with his own enthusiasm. You will enjoy the old-school hip-hop, boom-bap trap, and all.

FOLDIN 是一位热爱情绪化和氛围的制作人,他从2014年就开始创作这种音乐。自2016年以来,他一直发行各种Emotional Uplifting Trance,曲子包括《清明》和《无标题》。在2020年,他发布了他最新的专辑《恢》,包含20首相近的氛围,但风格各不同的曲子。他的Set将会续写他创作与他爱的音乐。

FOLDIN is a music artist who loves emotional and vibey music and started producing this music in 2014. Since 2016, he has been releasing various Emotional Uplifting Trance tracks such as “Qingming” and “Untitled” through the years. In 2020, he released the latest LP “Recovery” featuring 20 tracks, and each one has its unique style but similar vibe to other ones. His Set will be the expansion of the music he made and loved.

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Added by DadaKM,
Last updated by GoKunming,
• 虹山东路4号版筑翠园9栋2层