文化 7:00pm • 免费入场
Dialogue: Wine and Pu-erh Tea
Tea originates in China, and wine bloomed in France. Although they were separated, they are meant to be together, like good friends or lovers.
This flowery spring, we’re hosting a feast of wine and tea. DiscoverCha unites Kunming Alliance Francaise, Jiexi French Wine, Six-Famous-Tea-Mountain HeiKai Estate, Pu-erh Magazine and other media, and presents to you a wonderful dialogue.
We are the hedonists, we enjoy wine and taste art, we sip tea and appreciate music. But we are the practitioners of human cultures as well. We aim to popularize French wine, to promote excellent culture, to advocate pu’erh tea standards and traditional essence.
Please be welcome at on 19 April 7pm at Alliance Francaise!
For more information: DiscoverCha
我们是享乐主义者,我们饮酒作画,品茗赏乐;我们也是人文践行者,“普及葡萄酒,推广法国文化,推动普洱标准,弘扬中国国粹!” 4月19日,我们在云南大学“法语联盟”,开启“普洱茶语葡萄酒”的精彩序幕,您来吗?