夜生活 10:00pm • 30 元
Trophy Munters Vol. 1 Album Release Party
Heads up, munters of the Middle Kingdom!
GoaProductions' newest album is coming up and we're kicking off with a bang! To get ready for the first volume of "Trophy Munters", we are bringing the masterminds behind this massive compilation, Suddha and Pieman over from the UK for a China-wide release tour!
For our second leg in Yunnan, we descend on Turtle Club in Kunming! Our psychedelic troopers Dj Suddha - Tom and Simon Pieman will be supported by GoaProductions' founder Atoned Splendor and sonic shaman Evo. Infinite Bizarre's visual wizards and Crystal Cortex redefine your reality with mind-warping visuals and decoration!
The stage is set for a mind expanding experience right at the pulse of Kunming's underground - join Yunnan's psychonaughts and soul seekers on the Trancefloor and celebrate the latest release of China's leading Psytrance record label!
Presale tickets 30 RMB via the link below - 50 RMB at the door!
GoaProductions的最新专辑即将发布,我们已经准备好引爆啦! 为了这次的新专辑“Trophy Munters”(醉猫锦标赛:),我们带来了这张专辑的幕后策划者,来自英国的Suddha和Pieman在中国进行专辑发布巡演!
我们在云南的第二站,9月21日将来到昆明的醉龟俱乐部! 我们迷幻使者Suddha和Pieman将得到GoaProductions创始人Atoned Splendor和声波萨满Evo的现场支持。 无限魔力堂的视觉向导和Crystal Cortex将通过令人惊叹的视觉效果和装饰重新定义您的现实认知!
这将是在大理福尼亚州一个充满迷幻声音和外层世界的冒险之夜 - 加入云南的精神分子与灵魂探索者的氛围,与我们一起率先体验中国Psytrance唱片厂牌引领者最新发布的唱片吧!
通过以下二维码预售门票30元 - 现场票50元!
♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.°)┓┗(°.°)┛┏(°.°)┓ ♪
.・゜゜・LINE UP阵容・゜゜・.
Simon Pieman (Bom Shanka Music / Broken Records)
Dj Suddha - Tom (Goa Productions)
Atoned Splendor (Goa Productions)
Evo (Goa Productions)
Crystal Cortex
.・゜゜・DETAILS 内容・゜゜・.
Trophy Munters Vol. 1 Release Tour - Kunming
Friday, September 21. 2018 2018年9月21日周五
醉龟俱乐部 Turtle Club
协信天地 建设路 F1 昆明
Xiexin Tiandi Jianshe Road Kunming F1