文化 5:00pm • 免费入场
Chinese Calligraphy Class
TenWest will organize a Chinese cultural activites: Chinese calligraphy class on May 18th at 17:00. The location is at TenWest Language school. it is open for all Chinese language learners and free admission. 5月18日下午5点英海学校提供免费中国书法课程。
"Inorder to master a language, it is impossible to separate the language from itsculture."
Tenwest organizes a series of cultural activities every semester to improve international students’ Chinese language skills.These cultural activities, called 说吧(Shuoba),have been running over the past two years and are open to all Chinese language learners.
We host two 说吧(Shuoba) events every month and post them at least one week in advance, on GoKunming, Facebook, and Tenwest WeChat public account. You will get information about when and where the event will be held. so please subscribe our Facebook and WeChat to get the latest information.
This Spring Semester 说吧(Shuoba)starts from March to June2018.
We are glad to take any suggestions or ideas from you to improve 说吧(Shuoba).
Tel: 0871-65747722 Cell: 13759190098,
WeChat Public Account: TENWEST英海学校