
文化 Oct 22 – Nov 11 免费入场

[Exhibition] Fan


开幕酒会/ OPENING: 2016-10-22,20:00
展览时间/Exhibition Duration:2016.10.22—2016.11.12
策展人/Curators: 阿尔弗雷德 alfred vaagsvold

王蓓 wang bei

Host by TCG Nordica



MARIANNE RØNNOW (Denmark) & BARBRO RAEN THOMASSEN (Norway) Exhibition TCG Nordica, Kunming, China 22.10 - 11.11. 2016

With FAN, we have created an exhibition with a main theme in which we each unfold our own artistic ideas. The theme has to do with sensation, the sense of material, the thin paper with its possibilities and limitations. It has do do with plants – their fragility and their strength, with human beings and their relation to other people and to nature. Together we unfold a very fragile, but also strong fan. Moreover FAN has to do with China´s traditions and culture, has to do with beauty, aesthetics.

With FAN we follow up the deep interest we both have in paper. We intend to use our time as Artists-in-Residence in Kunming to investigate how paper can impact on our art. Chinese culture reveals a delicate taste and understanding for paper as material; from this we want to learn and develop our own expressions of art.

Rønnow: My contributions to FAN are papers of different kind and size, painted with sap from the plants and flowers that grow up around my house. The subjects of these pictures are mainly the same plants and flowers that have provided the paint. Another subject is a reflection on the relationship between China and Denmark, showing some kind of connection between the amazing Terracotta Army of China and The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen from Denmark.

Raen Thomassen: My main contributions are large drawings of blacklisted plants – non-native species not wanted in Norway – because they are invasive and may pose serious environmental threats. I compare these blacklisted​plants,​ and how the authorities treat them, with the same authorities´attitude towards the huge amount of refugees now entering Europe. Many of the blacklisted species are indeed beautiful, like the Rugosa Rose, originating from Japan – and China.

As usual when exhibiting together, we share our Mail Art correspondence with the audience. Exchanging photographs, sketches, drawings and writings is part of the preparation for our exhibition projects together. The correspondence, however, is also regarded as an autonomous work of art. With FAN in TCG Nordica, Kunming, we are fans of each other´s art – and we feel the opportunity to exhibit in China is fantastic!

Added by wangbei,
Last updated by Philou,
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