
文化 8:00pm 180

The Nightingale and The Rose & 37°2


1th Half: The Nightingale and The Rose
adapted from novel of the same name by Oscar Wilde

2th Half: 37°2

If you want a red rose, you must pierce the thorn into your heart and sing by moonlight until the last drop of your life blood.

Beijing Dance Theater

其中《霾》已于2011年成功在美国BAM哈维剧院和肯尼迪艺术中心、英国沙德勒之井、珀斯国际艺术节等顶级剧场上演,并获得2016年澳洲悉尼歌剧院演出邀约。2011年受香港艺术节委约创作的《金瓶梅》,并在国内外均引起极大反响,其艺术成就与话题性为舞团带来极大的声誉。2012年9月改编自鲁迅同名散文集的作品《野草》首演于苏州、上海,并于2014年5月成功在德国进行欧洲首演,10月赴美首演获得高度赞誉,重返纽约BAM“Next Wave”艺术节和华盛顿肯尼迪中心,并于芝加哥哈里斯剧院、及2015年在南美进行巡演。2013年舞团再度重磅投入制作年度新剧《夜宴》,此剧脱胎于莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》及冯小刚电影《夜宴》。《棱镜》获得2013年由墨西哥国家音乐厅LUNAS颁发的最佳现代舞团奖。

Founded in 2008 and led by artistic director/choreographer Wang Yuanyuan, the Beijing Dance Theater (BDT) has graced China’s dance stage with quality productions. Collaborating with renowned directors, composers, and visual artists, BDT continues to showcase contemporary Chinese stage art to the world in style.

With amazing creativity and productive momentum, BDT has built a repertoire of twelve different works, which represent the creative team’s critical reflections on various facets of contemporary society. The repertoire includes: Stirred from a Dream, a dance-drama adapted from the Kunqu opera Peony Pavilion; Diary of Empty Space, an energetic triple-bill and the company’s opening performance; Haze, a contemplation in a time of crisis; Prism, a triple-bill featuring work by choreographers from Sweden, Denmark, and Canada; The Color of Love, a sensual exploration of the emotional landscape of women in their 20s, 30s and 40s; Harvest, a collection of Wang Yuanyuan’s short dance pieces; Martlet, which depicts life in Beijing; and 6, a collaboration with French choreographer Anthony Egea that integrates the movements of ballet, hip hop, and Tai Chi. BDT has toured Haze in world-class venues including the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) in New York, the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C., Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London, Perth International Arts Festival.

Commissioned by the Hong Kong Arts Festival in 2011, BDT opened Golden Lotus to critical acclaim at home and abroad. It was followed by the premier of Wild Grass in September 2012 in Suzhou and Shanghai, a new work soon invited to Europe premier in Germany in May 2014, and brings BDT back to BAM's Next Wave Festival and Kennedy Center in the same year, followed by a U.S. tour and a South America tour in the year after. 2013 has once again seen BDT commit to a new main-stage production Hamlet inspired by Shakespeare's novel of the same name and Director Feng Xiaogang's The Banquet.

Over a course of five years, the BDT has also toured to over thirty cities in more than a dozen countries including Germany, Iceland, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Serbia, Italy, the Netherlands, Mexico, Columbia, and Ecuador. Prism won the 2013 Best Modern Dance Ensemble, awarded by LUNAS, the Mexican National Concert Hall.

2015 will see BDT’s contemporary dance creation The Nightingale and the Rose world premiered in Shanghai International Arts Festival, and 2016 another world premier Le Poison commissioned by Festspielhaus St. Pölten in Austria.

Added by Kunming Theatre,
Last updated by Philou,
昆明剧院 • 青年路410号