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Kunming stunned by cafe bombing

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This morning at 10:30 the bustle of Wenhua Xiang's cafes and restaurants was violently interrupted by an explosion at Salvador's Coffee House.

We have spoken with Salvador's co-owner Colin Flahive several times since the explosion and he has confirmed that the explosion was set off by a man who had entered the restaurant with an explosive device.

Flahive said that none of the staff or customers present at Salvador's this morning were seriously injured and that the man with the explosive device had suffered serious injuries.

Few details about the incident are currently available. Salvador's has been sealed off by police, who have been investigating the scene since shortly after the explosion.

This is the first bombing attack in Kunming since the double bus bombings that killed two and injured 14 in June of this year.

Update: Kunming media is now reporting that a man - presumably the man with the bomb - has died in a local hospital.

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I hope you guys are ok...I'm shocked.


Was the man with the bomb a foreigner or local? Any news related to motive?


Glad to hear that the staff and customers were not seriously hurt! I hope you will open soon.

Not for nothing but lately Kunming is getting famous not for it's weather but for it's crime. Hostage taking and bombings. WTF!

According to the 2nd link provided, the explosion was caused by improper handling of a gas tank... The deceased was the same guy who brought the tank into Salvador's and accidentally made it explode

yeah, it says that, according to a Chinese witness, the gas canister handler put it on the ground too hard and it exploded. Is that not what eyewitnesses are saying?

Either way, I'm glad no one else was seriously injured.

I'm still waiting for the smoke to clear so we can get some solid facts.

It would be a relief if this turned out to be just a tragic accident, and not a bombing targeted at the foreign community. Anyone with further information, please let us know.

Thanks to Chris for bringing us this story firsthand.

Editorial note: The story that Neverwinter refers to has been updated since GoKunming ran the update.

If a gas cylinder, or cylinders were being delivered to Salvador's at the time of the explosion, i'm sure the staff will be able to confirm this.

the article is a little confusing. he was at the door of Salvador's "burning gas" and after burning it for a while turned it off. He picked it up to headed (back) inside the cafe, then put it back on the ground. When he put it back down, it exploded.

but yes, the eyewitness account is clear enough that pretty much anyone there should be able to confirm or deny it.

while i also hope that it was simply a tragic mistake and not a bombing, there is a doubt lurking in my mind that it could have been a bombing and that the media has been told to put a lid on it.

remember the "third bombing" in June that "may have been a tire exploding?" i'm still not clear on that one, but my friend has family in the police dept, and he says that he was told that it was a bombing. so who knows. i can't say either way.

Yeah, I agree. If it is an accident, it is quite a coincidence: explosion on Christmas eve at the place in town known to be a hangout for foreigners. Either way, I hope that the truth will come out here.

and add the fact that:

"We have spoken with Salvador's co-owner Colin Flahive several times since the explosion and he has confirmed that the explosion was set off by a man who had entered the restaurant with an explosive device."

@tanfei: The 14:47 report is what we used to write the update. However, the content of that page has been added to since then, adding the eyewitness reports etc.

I should add that Salvador's is not owned (or co-owned) by Italians, as that story reports.

Either way, whoever, whatever caused the incident, is very sad for him, for our friends and families !

It wasn't a gas canister. Salvadore's and all the cafes on the street run gas lines. It's an attack against foreign (read american) interests. Could be the start of the next wave of anti americanism. Chickens do come home to roost, you know.


thats strange.. my friend was at slavadors at the time and he said that it was a drunk man, and he started fighting, and someone got killed..


I think unless you were there or have credable witnesses, anything story could be made up. I never heard about the bus bomb and it's been months and months since that happen. Did they catch the guy(s). The government doesn't want to scare the public and especially if they are targeting "laowais'".


My son called me this morning with the news. He is co-owner along with Colin Flahive and two others.

He wasn't there, but was called by Colin immediately after.

He said the man came in, ordered waffles and coffee. After one of the girls brought it to him, Kris said, he detonated himself. He said his legs were blown off, and blood was all over the restaurant, but there was minor damage, and no one in the restaurant was hurt.

They are baffled, as well. The only thing they can think of is that it is Christmas Eve, and they are a foreign-owned establishment. Otherwise, as far as they know, it was completely random.

Marty and I were called last evening by our son about this frightening ocurrance at Salvador's. Our hearts are with Colin, his partners, and their wonderful, happy staff. We feel quite fortunate that none of them were seriously physically injured. Salvador's has created a true community of good people, from various places and backgrounds who are working together for the benefit of the employees, clients, owners and people of China. This is what we want more of in our world - and they are creatijng it. Our hope is that this violence was an accident or a random act done by someone who is seriously mentally ill. As Colin's parents and residents of Kunming's sister city, Denver, we send our love to all involved. We wish we could be with them to just hold them. For those at Salvador's we hope for their healing and a return to joy and their great work. Diana Flahive

the bombing guy is Chinese or foreigner? who knows, response me

I am one of the owners of Salvador's and was just outside at the time of the attack. First, I want it clear that never has Salvador's used gas canisters. It is illegal in our part of the city and we have gas lines in the building that we use so would never have the need for canisters. Second, I want everyone to know that all of our staff and customers are unhurt and physically healthy. The bomber, however, is no longer with us. I do not wish to discuss the nationality of the bomber at present, but I can only assume that it will be clear in the news tomorrow. We are shaken beyond words and can only wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Peace


I hope peace is with all of you in Kunming tonight, since it is Ping'an Ye. I miss you guys and often sit down to a big cup of Salvadors coffee up here in Beijing and wish I was there. Such a relief to hear that none of the staff or other customers were hurt.


A great relief that everybody are safe physically. Hope you all get better with your soul and mind. We sending you all our pray. Hope things will clear up. May peace be with you.


I just found a news article on Sohu that says the bomber claimed to be the bus bomber shortly before he died in the hospital. The purported source of the article, which also quotes police as saying "that was definitely no gas tank", is Yunnan Xinxi Bao, though I have been unable to find the article on their website. The link could have been erased, or it could be erroneous, so we can't draw any conclusions yet. Besides, recent events have shown that we can't expect anything like full disclosure from authorities. Keep looking.


Good to hear that everyone is okay. Salvador's is one of the many great coffee shops that holds the community together in Kunming. Have a safe Christmas.

Very happy to hear that the workers and customers at Salvador's are alright. Salvador's, as Yam Ki says, is one of the friendliest gathering places in Kunming and I hope the act of one disturbed individual doesn't ruin the spirit of the place. Peace, Kunmingers. Laura C.

This news was quite difficult to digest. The proprietors of Salvador's strike me as a very kind group of people. Furthermore, I think the fact that the staff of Salvador's tend to remain for such a long time relative to other establishments in the area is indicative of the fact that they are treated fairly and humanely.

I hope that they have reopened by the time I return from Shanghai on Jan. 4th, so I can eat one meal a day there every day for a week. I hope other members of the community can also find ways to express their support for this establishment.

I would like to add that I was pleasantly surprised that the police showed up at my apartment around two in the afternoon, asking me if I had witnessed the attack or knew anyone who had. I think, knowing that Salvador's is frequented by foreigners, that the police were smart to start canvassing foreigners who were registered as living in the area near wenhua xiang as to whether they had seen anything.

My heart goes out to the Salvador's folks.


Hello, I am a brother of one of the Co-owners of Salvador's Cafe. I have been to Salvador's many times, and like many have said here, it is a place for peace and happiness. The comment below was made from our father and a friend of his, very intelligent people who have been around for a while.
We can only hope this is the scenario.

A couple of things don't add up – not that insanity ever does. The following speculation arose as I was talking with a friend a few minutes ago. He first questioned whether it might have been accidentally detonated.

First, would a suicide bomber order food first? Second, if he wanted to cause chaos, why did he set it off in the relatively isolated bathroom?

What if he was on the way to an intended bombing site with a backpack explosive? Perhaps it was not even intended to be a suicide. So he goes into the café to have something to eat before going to the intended site. Then, while using the bathroom, he sets his backpack down by his legs and the bomb is accidentally detonated. (There are a lot of reported cases of bombers blowing themselves up through mishandling the explosives.)

It is only conjecture, but we're all vulnerable to such conjecture when something as inexplicable as this occurs.

Much Love to all of you on this Christmas Eve, thanks for all of the support for our friends at Salvador's


I'm the mom of one of the co-owners, Kris.

I like to think that Salvador's customers and wait staff weren't the intended victims. That's comforting in the midst of this tragedy.

I also want to thank everyone who is offering their support to Salvador's. And hello and hugs to Colin's family. And of course, love and hugs and shoulders to cry on for all the Salvador's crew.


I had coffee at Salvadores one year ago in a visit to Kunming, one of many delightful visits to local places of all sorts.

What can I say? Our thoughts are with you.

I trust the aftermath settles soon. Maybe Dre is right: a dreadful mistake as far as Salvadores is concerned.

Hey guys, some of the comments from people's mothers woke me up a bit. no matter the cause or outcome, i want to do my part to wish the best to everyone who was involved.

really, best to all if you, hope you can talk to your family in these days... wish you the very best.



I was there yesterday, shortly thereafter going to Maragran's to get online.
But, local newspaper (today) not sure, mention gas leak explosion killing Chinese worker.
Who to believe?
from Kunming


The word on the street with the Chinese is that this establishment is targeted because it's a gathering place for foreigners.
So exercise common sense, people, there's no safety in numbers, only danger as it is easier for attackers to target large gatherings, ie restaurants, bars frequented by foreigners.

Fortunately, noone is hurt in this incident, but what about the next one.
The world is going to see another big wave of anti americanism starting now, so if you're american, better keep a low profile, or try to cover the truth of where you're from. Better yet, go home.


Comments like the one above by hiya don't help anybody and aren't appreciated.

I wasn't part of Kunming's foreign community for long but Salvador's is the best cafe in the whole city and one of the best I've been to in China.

Whatever happened yesterday, it should not mean to dampen the spirits of an expat community as close and colorful as Kunming's.

I sincerely hope this was an isolated incident and that Salvador's its staff, and its regulars can get back to normal as soon as possible.


Thanks for that comment Pale Joe.
I feel the same way.
We need to support everyone at Salvador's Cafe and all positive foreign communities throughout the world. I live in Costa Rica and have for the last 9 years. Its always very important to bounce back and show your strength after an accident like this one. One Rotten Apple will not spoil an amazing place where people come to enjoy good food, drink and friends. We are opening a new Salvador's Cafe here in Costa Rica this coming year. We are growing stronger and appreciate all of the positive support from our friends, family and customers.
Merry Christmas Everyone


I'm not going anywhere. Kunming is home. Anyway, almost anywhere in the USA is more violent than any place in China.


I lived in Kunming for more than five years, and I am sad that I am not there right now to show my support for Salvador's and for the Kunming community. Salvador's is a symbol of what good, conscientious, community-minded individuals can accomplish, and how they can make a difference, however small, in their corner of the world. Salvador's has, from day one, been a positive place, and a model for how a business can be successful while still treating workers fairly, offering benefits for the wait-staff usually unheard of in the service sector in China. No matter what the motive was, it is unfortunate that this should happen to a place like Salvador's.

And I agree, Lester. For many of us, Kunming is "home" and I hope no one goes anywhere. I hope when I get back to Kunming Salvador's will be back in full force, better than ever. I look forward to it.

Add me. Hiya should cool down. Nobody tells me to go home.


I agree. This is my new home and my wife is a Kunminger. I have been here for over 2 years and plan to stay as long as I can. It's safer to me then New York City. :-).


Phew! Glad that Kunming's finest have finally got to the bottom of last summer's bus bombings.
The poor bastard probably confessed to every unsolved murder in Yunnan over the last 3 years as well.


"Hiya"- You're really not helping.

You don't know how to punctuate either.


Okay! Okay! Let's not get personal here. :-).


Metal and bomb detectors, people.
GOt to get with the program here.


This sucks, gonna put a dent in me setting up a business here in Kunming.
BTW, is this guy Muslim or does anybody know? Not trying to offend anybody, just need to know.


He was Chinese,
Please do not use this blog for nonsense.
This is very serious and affects all of you.

Let's try to avoid a flame war here.
Acts of terrorism are committed to sow the seeds of fear and hatred. If we let that happen, then we've surrendered. The antidote is positivity and love.

Rise above


hope everything is ok. greetings from germany!

While I agree that we do not want to use this forum to propagate fear of particular religious groups, I do not think it is nonsense to ask if the attack was religiously motivated. Whatever the motivations of the attacker- religious or political- I think we ought to consider them. Frankly, I did not sense that such deep anger towards the ex pat community was brewing, and I am very curious if architects of the attack are nationalist xenophobes, or religious fundamentalists. This is actually why I find the bomber confessing to the bus bombings rather incongruous. While the foreign community seems to have been the target of the attack at Salvadores, suggesting perhaps nationalist extremists, the bus bombing seems aimed at general social stability, and more likely the work of someone trying to undermine the central government- like religious fundamentalists.


whats this i hear about the bomber recording some kind of confession on his phone before he blew himself up?


I think that the bomb went of by mistake. I think the guy was going to blow it up some other place, maybe on a bus. It went of in the bathroom which indicates to me that maybe he was going to take a piss or a dump and maybe placed it on the floor too hard and that is why it blew up. Just a theory.


did the bomb actually go off in the bathroom? i didn't find evidence for that yet except that some readers here wrote so. not any of the eyewitnesses or closely related to the eyewitness said that, as far as i understood.
what about we start a discussion in the forum about possible reasons and theories of that bombing? might be easier than steadily posting comments here. and we should also discuss wether nationalistic/xenophobic motivations could have been the reason. you perhaps read that guy's comment (chris already deleted it). i think we should take that serious and have a look wether the expat community has some fault in a bad image of foreigners and if so what we could do to improve our image.


I think that when a sick mind is bend on creating hell for people they will. I think the best thing to do is to keep on doing what you did before but just be more watchful of your surroundings without being paranoid. There are many laowais that set a bad example for those of us who are respectful to being a guest in a foreign country. Personally, I feel alot safer here in China then in the USA. Just my 2 cents.


I typed something really long, my hands hurt from it, and it didn't show up here.
Did I not do something? Or did something wrong?

Ah, hope it's just a glitch and it shows up soon.


It's all very well everyone saying how much safer they feel over in Kunming than Anywhere USA but if you come to this conclusion after deleting all the death threats you're sent then it kind of rings a bit hollow. "One day every foreigner in China will be killed" or some horrible thing like that!? The Chinese media is obviously not to be entirely trusted but if you censor the comments left on your blog and only print those you like the sound of then you're not helping yourself. (I'm against sensationalism and fight the global media plot to keep us all terrified and locked in our homes by going out there and getting on with my life. Hopefully this crazy guy just made a stupid mistake with his bomb and was just having a coffee at Salvador's before going off and blowing up the local Communist Party Headquarters.) But it seems unlikely.
True- the bus bombings obviously weren't intended to target whiteys but I'm not sure if I'm convinced that these two incidents are connected.
There IS resentment of foreigners in China. Just as minority groups are disliked to a greater or lesser degree anywhere in the world.

Pretending everyone loves you doesn't make it so.

Why, even when we are married to Chinese people, set up businesses here, pay taxes and send our children to school here are we still only describing ourselves as "guests". Some of us are first or second generation immigrants. -Mostly from countries with huge immigrant populations of our own- populations we would be ashamed to treat in the same manner as the Chinese treat us.

If there are people out there who hate us then we should publish their hateful nonsense and be aware of who they are. You felt less safe in New York because you read in the papers about all the crazy people.

Go out, eat at Salvador's and don't change your lifestyle because of some nutcase but don't pretend that everything is sunshine and light.
Print all your comments Chris!
Freedom of speech is there for the people who say things you don't like the sound of too,....not just your customers.


Ok youcantakemylegs,
I dont know why you are soo angry. Did you not get what you wanted for christmas? Generally in a blog like this one, concerning a tragedy, the idea is to cover the actual happenings of an incident. I dont think it should be used to express hatred or racism. If gokunming.com is supposed to be used to educate people in a real fasion, why is it OK for someone to rant on about how they hate one person or another. If someone has something real to say, that they can back up then thats one thing, but to post a 1 or 2 sentence comment that is not relavant and just expresses hatred towards one group or another I think its unacceptable. They can goto another website to express there hatred where someone might give a shit. This blog is to support our friends and family at Salvadors and trying to get real information to those who care. Of course there is resentment to foreigners in every country. I live in a foreign country and I have my battles, but the locals who really know me, respect me. If you are not getting that respect, thats because you are not treating others as you would like to be treated. Humans are born as kind people, its what they pick up along the way that makes them what they are today, good or bad. In closing, if you have real information or ideas on how to work through this please post it, if not go take a walk.


hey Chris and other folks who can read Chinese, check out that one:
apparently the police came to a conclusion, the guy was according to this report the bus bomber as well and hated society. apparently he wanted to bomb some busses again but this is not confirmed yet. so he wasn't aiming at salvador's.
no clue wether it's true or not but we might not get a better answer anyways.

@ Dre:

I understand your frustration, and for the most part, agree with you. However, I don't think comments should be strictly limited to information about the incident, because I don't think we as readers will be able to come up with anything more than what's already been said, and I think there's a need among people in the community to come to terms with the incident emotionally.
Having said that, I think that it was right for the editors to delete bigoted or threatening posts, because those aren't helping anybody.

@ the ether:
There is anti-foreign sentiment out there, and while some of that might be the result of drunken antics or bad behavior in the community, a lot of it is linked to international political incidents or other things beyond our control. Regardless of the source, none of that makes the bombing our fault. I strive to be respectful of others in all of my affairs, and I push my friends to do the same, not to avoid becoming the target of an attack, but because that is how I was raised.

A lot of us, myself included, have an instinctive urge to respond angrily to negative posts or insinuations that we are all a bunch of jackasses who deserve it. Let's all try to keep cool heads when dealing with this stuff. Perhaps we might be able to change a few minds in the process.


OK Dre calm down. I understand that you are the brother of one of the Salvador's Cafe boys. I know it's not an easy time.
My point was this- it's all very well saying that some people's comments are unacceptable to you but censoring them or banishing them to a forum that you don't read doesn't mean they don't exist.

Also it's not your place to decide who's comments are acceptable or not- even if they are extreme like the idiot who posted the rubbish that we are talking about. If you don't agree with him/her then tell them. If you stop people like that from speaking then they have to resort to other methods of communication. Don't attack me because I tell you that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

(I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas but perhaps asking for world peace was too much for the Elves to produce overnight. I'll ask again next year.)


Well that's one thing we can agree on.
World Peace


@ Dre,

Although I am living in Shenyang, I find this news quite disturbing. I am a frequenter of western bars. I am appalled that people would lower themselves to removing comments, and then continue this to the point of attacking those who do direct you attention to the realities of the situation.

I had a meal at Salvador's, and found the place lovely. I extend my best wishes to you all. I am positive that the owners would be enlightened enough not to condone censorship.

I've been following these comments rather closely as the attack happened just a few days before I went home for the holidays, and I feel a bit cut off.

I read the comments that were removed and they contained profanity, threats and overall very negative and insulting stuff. If those people had dissenting political views that were expressed in rational, respectful terms, then I would have been against removing them. But the vitriol contained in them threatened to drag the entire forum down into an increasingly ugly flame war. I think their deletion was a good idea.


I don't think any of us are pro-censorship.
My main point in this situation is.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Lets bring the peace.
Sending some Pura Vida to everyone out there.
Happy New Year

I disagree with anyone who says that hateful or threatening posts should not be deleted. This is not a public space, this is a privately run website and posters have no free speech rights whatsoever. Removing posts is the administrator's prerogative, and if you don't like the standards that are upheld, find another forum. If someone were to post spam, or imbed unwanted images in their posts, it would be reasonable to remove them. Likewise, the moderators of this thread can remove any posts whose content they find inappropriate. If you want to know what standards this website employs in deciding to remove posts, then ask.

I think you'll find that they are aimed at fostering civil discussion and not suppressing alternative viewpoints. So if you want to complain, or wax philosophic about free speech, go ahead, but if you want to post racist jokes, stories about your sex life, descriptions of your bowel movements, or hate speech directed at religious or ethnic group, don't expect your post to remain.


it was an attack against foreigners in kunming, done by a local who obviously wants you out and do not like you/us much. wonder if there are more like that..


When I said that it was safer here than in New York I was talking from being born and raised there. Not from a point of view of a tourist. Having been living here over 2 years yes I can say with certainty that IT IS SAFER HERE as of this point for ME. :-). It wasn't some half-ass comment I made. ;-). It's a fact.


When I said that it was safer here than in New York I was talking from being born and raised there. Not from a point of view of a tourist. Having been living here over 2 years yes I can say with certainty that IT IS SAFER HERE as of this point for ME. :-). It wasn't some half-ass comment I made. ;-). It's a fact.

Thanks everyone for their support. We are just waiting and trying to figure out what to do. There has been a major outpouring of love from all of our friends and family keeping us from freaking out. Thanks everyone. Kris


This was obviously a "message". There was an incident in kunming where an anglosaxon expat was involved in a dispute with a local, insulting him badly and maybe more. perhaps its the reason, a single revenge action or an organised anti-english-expat-foreigner action. something is going on perhaps. lets see what happens and behave yourself. we are just guests here. :)


I think the only "message" is that there are still crazy people in the world.
I don't think this was "obviously" an attack against foreigners.

When can I buy my UFO ice-creams and bagels again?


I agree with bob66.
No matter where you are from there will
be people out there that hate you, life your country or you religion.

It is your forum and I prefer not to be exposed to expressions of hate.

After all, ife is a difficult journey for all of us-- why make it harder than it all ready is. If you think there is a solution to this problem you are sadly mistaken. You can not cure the crazed and sometimes there are no answers.


As a Chinese, I can tell you many of my friends do NOT like foreigners. In fact, many are just pretending to be friends with you. Just to find out about you.
We do not like many of the rude Israelis, Americans and Europeans with a lot of 'pride' and complain about everything Chinese, and the white guys who come here for easy girls.
This is not a threat, but foreigners should be careful here. Many of you think most Chinese are clueless of the English language or western languages in general. We are right there in front of you when you talk about what a shithole China is or how many Chinese girls you f**ked. Get real, not every Chinese is a farming peasant.
If China is so bad for you, just go home, before something really bad happens to you. I know there are some good foreigners, but most Chinese would lump you in the same pile when the shit hits the fan.
Happy Gregorian New Year.


it's not that we don't think you can understand what we say we just don't care.
Your girls are easy, but not worth it, and most of you ARE peasants.
The chinese in Europe and America are some of the rudest people on the planet and we tolerate them.

You seem to forget how many Chinese agree that china is a shithole and how many chinese think they can offer our women 200rmb for sex.

Come on now, ChinaNow has a very good point and we would all be better off if ChinaNever never existed. Know that most foreigners who live in China are here because they love it. And most are very respectful. However, I agree that there are plenty of foreigners who do nothing but complain about life here, but they are really the minority. Unfortunately, the ass holes stick out more than the peaceful ones and therefore become the representatives of all of us. I encourage all foreigners to go back to the roots of why they are here. And go out of your way to be as respectful to everyone as possible. No matter how long we stay, we are only guests. This is not our country, and we should not let that fact make us feel as if we have more freedoms than we would back home. As one of the owners of Salvador's I encourage everyone to take what has happened to our restaurant and let it become a transition point for the foreign community. Bad actions reflect upon us all.

P.S.- now that we have been let back into our restaurant, I firmly believe that we were not the intended target and that the bomber was on his way somewhere else. Let's all just be thankful that no one, foreign or Chinese, other than the culprit was hurt.


I've to say I've seen my share of rude foreigners here in China. Being white made it being me and others like me who really come here to offer the best that China has to offer, the food, the people(some, not all, as in EVERY other country), the generosity of a heck of a lot of people here, all lumped into the pile of laowai shitheads.
Yeah, back in my country(the not so great and systematically failing us of a) we also have rude Chinese, bad Chinese drivers, gangs etc. But the majority are just like everybody else, getting their morning coffee, dropping the kids off at school, doing the nine to five to pay the bills, just being law abiding citizens. In fact, Chinese, Asians in general are some of the most trouble free, law abiding citizens/immigrants we have. Trust me, I know, like some of you here, I come from a state filled with all sorts of other newcomers and quite a few problematic homegrown badasses(that recent Christmas murder spree in Ca. comes to mind).
For Christ's sake, people, if you are from a first world country, and really think things can be better where you are from, seriously, it's just that easy to pack up and be on the next flight home. Remember, you are guests in this country, and the Chinese are quite sensitive to what you say to and about them. They are far from stupid and if you think that they are just unsophisticated rural folk who's just gone urban, think again.
And chinanow, you should calm down and talk to a foreigner or two who actually care about China and Chinese people and see how they really think before making any final conclusions of every single foreigner here.
chinanever, you're a f--ing 'tard and you know it, one day, you'll get what's coming to you, a shtkicking by some Chinese 'necks would do you a whole lot of good. And you're wrong, it doesn't cost 200rmb to have sex with a white woman, it's more like free as they are all lonely and desperate here in China, as most of the foreign guys have come down with a serious case of yellow fever, not that I blame them, of course.
Sorry for the long rant, but like many others who've commented here, we should be a lot more respectful and thankful for being where we are and what we have here.
Happy NY. yeah(albeit Gregorian)


Chinanow said "As a Chinese, I can tell you many of my friends do NOT like foreigners. In fact, many are just pretending to be friends with you. Just to find out about you."

Man, you sound very angry. It's ashame that you feel that way. The language that you use in expressing yourself is so appaling. Being like is something that is cultivated over time. Maybe you are jealous of foriegners. Don't put a blanket on all of us. I love China but like every other place it has it's faults. Let that anger of yours go, you would be happier.


"You seem to forget how many Chinese agree that china is a shithole and how many chinese think they can offer our women 200rmb for sex."

'Our' women?

What kind of slave owning mentality is that?
Go phock yourself. You must not get very must action being the loser that I know you must be.
BTW, I'm a white woman and my husband is Chinese.


colin, justsomeguy, great posts, we need more people like you to point out that not all us foreigners are exactly saints here in China, and that we should show more respect. Even if I'm given some grief now and then just for the simple fact that I'm a foreigner, doesn't matter if you're white, black, red or yellow, being laowai is enough.

justsomeguy, yeah, I agree, foreign girls shouldn't cost 200rmb, wait, is that what they're paying me for my time?


Lots of foreigner is living very Érosion life there ..

Il y a beaucoups de con reste en Chine qui sont le polution de civilization et humanite et la nature !!!!!!



I'm sure Salvador's appreciates all the words of support they've received here.

As discussion has strayed into less palatable territory, GoKunming has now suspended commenting on this post.
