GoKunming Articles

Vote now for the Best of Kunming Awards 2021-2022!

By in Features on

Voting is now officially underway for the Best of Kunming Awards 2021-2022. Until February 7 readers can choose their favorite Kunming businesses, establishments and travel destinations in 12 different categories.

Just like last year, after having cast your ballots, live updates in this yearly survey can be observed by following the link above, or navigating to "Awards" in the main menu. Each person can only vote once in each category, but may return to the voting page to participate in those categories not voted in before.

Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time to fill out this survey and showing their support for their favorite establishments! Each group contains eight nominees — except for the two destinations categories, which have more. These lists automatically include last year's winners and further include user nominations submitted to the website.

How to vote

Voting for 2021-2022 is open to all registered GoKunming users. Simply log in and then place your votes here. If you do not yet have a GoKunming account, you can sign up by registering here. Alternatively we also support Facebook, LinkedIn and Google login options. Each person is allowed only one ballot per category, so make sure yours counts!

Now, without further ado let the voting begin!

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Nice trip
