As you may have noticed, we have updated the design of GoKunming. We have furthermore added new functionality.
Map directions
When you go to listings — the part of our website where you can find businesses and destinations in Kunming and beyond listed — you can now get directions by clicking on one of the buttons that have been added to the map.
For phone users, search for GoKunming in WeChat to go to the official GoKunming WeChat account. Click on 'Listings' under the 'English' tab. Here you can search for the place you want to go.
In the listing is a map.
For iPhone users, the 'get directions' button takes you to Apple maps, which can be used without proxy.
For Android users, the 'get directions' button takes you to Google maps (proxy needed). The 'open in Gaode (Amap)' button takes you to Amap, which can be used without proxy. In Amap you can click the 'Go here' button, on the right-hand side right underneath the name of your destination, and you will get directions by either car, public transport, walking or cycling.
For desktop users, the 'get directions' button takes you to Google maps (proxy needed).
The 'open in Gaode (Amap)' button takes you to Amap in your browser, which can be used without proxy. In Amap you can click the right-hand button that appears in the middle of the map in order to get directions.
You have to enter a starting point — pinyin works, no characters needed — and you will get directions by either car, public transport, walking or cycling.
After the route appears, there is also the option to scan the QR code in the bottom right-hand corner of the map, this will open the directions in Amap on your phone.
We are still tweaking little details, so if you have any feedback on the design and the 'map directions' functionality — readability, look and feel across different devices, bugs — please feel free to leave them in the comments.
Just to let you know that we do have a list with priorities assigned to much-needed functionality upgrades that have been suggested by GoKunming users over the years. We would like to see these implemented as much as you do, however at present we do not have time or budget available to realize this at short notice. When we do find the time we will continue to do upgrades, based on your suggestions. Thank you for all your input and also for your patience and understanding.
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