GoKunming Articles

Live music this Friday

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Despite the recent rains, Kunming nights have been very comfortable lately. This weekend the evenings will likely be cool and breezy - ideal weather for going out and catching some live music. This Friday you'll have a chance to take in music from the hills of Yunnan as well as from across the Pacific.

Sounds of the Yunnan Countryside: The opening night of Yuansheng Studio's summerlong performances of Sounds of the Yunnan Countryside has been postponed from tonight to Friday night. Performances begin at 8pm and run for approximately 90 minutes. Ticket prices are 180 yuan/person - GoKunming readers will receive an 80-yuan discount (100 yuan/person) for mentioning that they are GoKunming readers at the gate.

Tom Pellman: Also on Friday, GoKunming contributor Tom Pellman will be playing a show at I Am Living on Wenlin Jie. The show starts at 8pm; admission is free.

Yuansheng Studio
101 Xiba Lu, inside Chuang Ku
Tel: 2400237, 13354608051

I Am Living
47-6 Wenlin Jie
Tel: 5358985

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don't you mean I Am Living-O?
