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Interview: Zhang Yifang on UFOs and aliens in China

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The 2009 International Astronomy Year and Extraterrestrial Life Forum was held from October 31 through November 16 at Dongfeng Plaza. GoKunming spoke on the sidelines of the forum with forum organizer Zhang Yifang (张一方), founder and former director of the Kunming UFO Research Association. We also spoke with Zhang's wife and son.

In addition to trying to bring attention to UFO sightings in China and around the world, Zhang, 62, is also a professor of physics at Yunnan University. He told Beijing-based Global Times that he thinks aliens are presently living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.

"I believe they are nice and they have no intention of attacking us," he told Global Times.

"Perhaps they are shape-shifters camouflaged as human beings or they have manufactured human-like robots to watch us," he added.

Kunming has had more than 400 UFO sightings since 1972, according to Zhang.

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I like how a professor of physics sets aside all standards of good science to claim that shape-shifting alien robots walk amongst us. I think he is on to something there,,


The good professor will have his evidence soon enough that Aliens walk amongst us right now. They are very clever and advanced. I know because i met one. Even though i told nobody about my meeting the military became my best friends treating me like royalty. They invaded our air space and were tracked by radar comming and going from my place. Their aeronautical precision and speed is phenominal.


Dear Danmairan,

Maybe this good physicist look at he evidence which most close minded scientist will not entertain. What he did is good because if scientist really look at the evidence they will understand how real UFO and the entities which pilot them are. I love people like you who no nothing about the subject and have the same attitude that has always hindered in the past scientific inquiring into ongoing mysteries.
So you stay in your little box becomes someday it will be shattered.

Joe Capp
UFO Media Matters
Non-Commercial Blog


...calling Orson, come in Orson

Dear Joseph Capp

First of all. How do you get to the conclusion that "I know nothing about the subject" because I question someone claiming that shape-shifters and alien robots walk amongst us? I love people like you who aren't even able to see what a ridiculous statement that it.

You are clearly more biased than me since you already proudly have referred to your blog from which one can only deduce that you are a firm believer in UFOs (and since you attack me for doubting shapeshifting alien robots I have to assume that you belive they exist too).

"Maybe this good physicist look at he evidence which most close minded scientist will not entertain". How do you know he is a Good Physicist? Because he is one of the very few scientists who share your beliefs? I can tell you that he DOESN'T qualify as a good scientist unless his claims can be backed up by good solid science. Science and tests that can be backed up by other scientists.

The only thing you get right in your post is your final comment about the box. I would actually LOVE to find out that there are aliens and that they visit us regularly. The difference between you and me is that I don't mistake my interest and hopes with seeing interstellar crafts, little green men and EVIDENCE everywhere I look.

Oh,, and just for the record I do not doubt that there is intelligent life out there. Even by using the most conservative estimates in the Drake equation the number of planets harbouring life in the universe always ends up in hundreds of thousands.

The problem with the truly unimaginable distances in the universe prevents them from ever visiting us,, or us them. Either way I find it hard to belive they would develop their space travel ability, spend hundreds of years in cryostasis in space while travelling to Earth only to make a crop circle, probe a cow and then it is back home without making any contact.

But of course if they are here as shape-shifting alien robots then that should solve the problem.


Perhaps our Mr Capp is himself a shape-shifting alien robot......


Rumor has it that on November 27, 2009, Obama will have a televised 2-hour event and disclosure that we are not alone. Google "november 27 ufo disclosure". We shall see. The time is at hand.


Why would an advanced civilization utilize propulsion as means to travel through space? Wouldn't they be able to have a vast understanding of physics that they might create technology that enables them to bypass millions of light-years in a matter of seconds. And yes, I understand that nothing can travel faster than light(who knows if this is even correct), but how about making shortcuts by making wormholes in space? After all, space has been theoretically shown to be able to be bent.

You sir, Danmeiren, have the mentality of the kind of people that denied that the Earth was round. It doesn't take a genius to realize that UFOs are a very much possibly real.


So Jesse, are you saying you actually believe it? Since the possibility of it could never be disproved, are you saying you actually think it is true that shape shifting aliens live and walk among us?
You Sir/ Madam seem to have the menality of an Easter Islander...and look what became of them...

"You sir, Danmeiren, have the mentality of the kind of people that denied that the Earth was round. It doesn't take a genius to realize that UFOs are a very much possibly real."

No I haven't and if you had bothered to read my post then you probably would have realized that the second part of your statement is wrong also (when you use it to refer to me).

The first part you write is just ridiculous sorry. How is it wrong to want some kind of scientific proof to wild and weird claims? Although there is a theory that space can be bent doesn't mean that it IS true. Less that organized matter such as spaceships and organic organisms can use them for teleportal travelling. As a matter of fact wormholes and instant travelling breaks just about every physical law outthere but I am sure that people like you can find some awkward pseudo-scientific theory as to why it should be possible.

Again let me point out that I don't deny that there by all means should be intelligent life other than us in the universe. I just don't think they are visiting us and it is highly unlikely that they ever will within the lifespan of an intelligent civilization.

I'll be very happy to be proven wrong one day if we actually do make first contact but I have a feeling you and the other True Believers outthere will do whatever it takes (even a fight against reality) NOT to be proven wrong.

Either way this discussion is kinda irrelevant since only one thing can happen that satisfies both sides. Contact with intelligent life. Still I have to say that the idea of shapeshifting alien robots doesn't immediately win me over. Strange huh?

why are UFO matters invariably couched in terms of believers and sceptics?

we agree that the universe is .... very large.

we know that there are more stars than there are grains of sand on planet Earth.

we know life exists in more and more of the most inhospitable areas on THIS planet.

if you've seen a UFO - you 'know' they exist and it's no longer a question of belief.

WHAT UFO's actually are is the question and not 'Do they exist'

anyone who's taken even a cursory glance at art through the ages, at myth and legend is overwhelmed with the avalance of credible information.

sceptics - in this matter - aren't being sceptical - they're just oddly uneducated.


My dear danmairen, curious you have made me given this statement made by your good self

"DOESN'T qualify as a good scientist unless his claims can be backed up by good solid science. Science and tests that can be backed up by other scientists."

Do you believe in anthropogenic global warming and the science/scientists that back it up?


Oh just one more question dear chap if you would'nt mind?

Do you believe in God Danmairen?


Yes sacuepan I think most of us can agree that there are flying objects which are identified, such as birds, planes, pigs etc, and there is also a group of flying objects which are as yet unidentified. To claim that any flying object that has not yet been identified is evidence of extraterrestrial intelligent life is both logically incorrect and misleading. It is simply unidentified, and remains as such until such time that it may be identified.

And what does taking a cursory glance through the ages prove, except that throughout history there were things we were unsure of, and tried to make explanations for?
You seem to take it as a given that UFO's and glancing through the ages proves the existence of extraterrestrial life, but to me it looks more like an article of faith, akin to a religion.
And you might want to be a bit more thoughtful about who you call uneducated.


You UFO zelots sure talk up a big game, considering your field is barely considered a credible science. Put up or shut up, and you'll have to do better than pyramids and crop circles...


"Aliens could never travel the distances involved" - How I love that little get out clause. Time to open you minds guys - They might just be from HERE to start with but with a dimensional twist.


thargg, do you consider "might" to be any sort of proof? Lot's of things "might" be true, but is that the best you can do?


Good lord Bertrand it is a proven fact that "might" is science, just look at the global warming crowds science, it is all mights, projections, models and bloody what if's and yet there is in fact actual scientific data to support the opposite of what that mob of inquisitionists is purporting to be reality.

Must be tough to be cursed with a lack of imagination, thatk God that the likes of Einstein, Tesla and Hawkings were not lacking in the imagination department, we would still be using candles and performing exorcisms, burning witches etc.


So it's just a question of imagining it, and it's true? Sounds pretty cool. Can you guess what I'm imaging now?


I live in a 2 story trashcan


Is that you Oscar????? I always believed on you!!! Is the snuffleupagus down there too???

Might isn't right and I don't really see a valid connection between global warming and little green shapeshifter robots. Wait a minute,, global warming,, little green men,, I might be pushing it but do you think those two could be related somehow?? Maybe "They" don't want us to know about the aliens because they are causing the global warming. Maybe Jimmy Hoffa and the Bilderbergs are in on it as well.

"Do you believe in God Danmairen?"

Do I come off as the religious type to you when I insist on scientific proof to prove wild statements and question the "I am sure it's there so it HAS to be there"- kinda thinking you guys present? (not even sure if it's more than one guy using different handles,, never noticed their names before on this site tbh).

Just to sum up,, no I don't believe in gods or religion. Interesting subject for a discussion though but there is a place and a time for everything.


This year will be the disclosure. The question isn't if there is life out there. We will see soon enough. Be patient. This is the year! You can take that to the bank!

I think that China has NOT lost its' sense of Wonder about the Universe, which HAS been lost in the West. This, more than any other reason is why CHINA will be the future. As a physicist who has worked with NASA on "next step" propulsion, (after rockets), I am reminded of Hamlet's statement "There is more in Heaven and Earth than is Dreamt of in your philosoophy, Horatio. We must ALL remember this. If we can THINK of it or DREAM it, it is POSSIBLE. We just haven't figured out HOW to do it yet. (some, we have)...There are always ways AROUND the laws of the Universe,,,which are really DEEPER LAWS that we haven't discovered yet. I applaud this beautiful man, and would love to share a cup of tea with him and good conversation sometime. I think we will both enjoy what we have to talk about.


I agree Truthseeker. Wish i'd known about this conference here in Kunming. I would have gone to it.

I just read up on the "November 27th UFO disclosure". Seems like Barack Obama and the Pope are going to participate in a 2 hour live tv session to be broadcast worldwide. They are going to disclose how aliens live amongst us and how we earthlings should react to them.

My only question is: Will the tinfoil hat I made in the 1st grade let me see the aliens or do I have to make a new 2009 model?


It is pretty obvious from reading this that Danmairen (if that is his real name) is not the skeptic he appears to be but rather he is one of those aliens living among us. Why else would he deny the plethora of "evidence" that all of you speak of. He is trying to prevent his cover from being blown. Nice try, Danmairen. Luckily, some of us can see through your deceptive ways...


I can't help but notice that the primary UFO-sighting locations in China--Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, and Yunnan, are on China's Russian, Central Asian, and Southeast Asian borders, which will be heavily militarized to begin with, and are also I believe the primary locations for many of China's military training bases.

Also, props to Zaphod for having an awesome name. Look forward to seeing him back in the Betelgeuse system.


Hey all, interesting conversation.

I think it's ridiculous to assume we're the only ones in the universe. Undeniably there IS massive evidence of UFOs, but I don't believe all UFOs are extra-terrestrial.

just my 2c

Above all, PEACE to every one of you!


Tomorrow's the day. November 27, 2009. U.F.O. Disclosure.


This is the problem, even on a petty forum people resort to fighting and harrassment. We can play the blame game, but at the end of the day humans are a horrible species who given the chance will prove it time and time again. We are our own worst enemy. And the sad truth is we probably won't even make it to see if there really is ET life. Because will will have wiped ourselves out and every other beautiful creation on this earth. We have been given the gift of knowledge. And I believe it is our obligation to use it to protect and preserve every living organism on the planet. And further develope our own future into a positive one. Because we are all the same regardless of race, religion, sex we are all the same species. We need to stop all this evil in the world and just work together. Or I fear it will be our undoing. And for the record I also believe that there is life out there. And they may or may no have the technology for interstellar travel but it's really irellevant. If you want proof life can excist in the univers! Then take a look around. We are the proof.


This is the problem, even on a petty forum people resort to fighting and harrassment. We can play the blame game, but at the end of the day humans are a horrible species who given the chance will prove it time and time again. We are our own worst enemy. And the sad truth is we probably won't even make it to see if there really is ET life. Because will will have wiped ourselves out and every other beautiful creation on this earth. We have been given the gift of knowledge. And I believe it is our obligation to use it to protect and preserve every living organism on the planet. And further develope our own future into a positive one. Because we are all the same regardless of race, religion, sex we are all the same species. We need to stop all this evil in the world and just work together. Or I fear it will be our undoing. And for the record I also believe that there is life out there. And they may or may no have the technology for interstellar travel but it's really irellevant. If you want proof life can excist in the univers! Then take a look around. We are the proof.

Hello all:

I am a proponent of the psycho-social hypothesis. I deem UFOs as a complete myth. We are not being visited. But there is evidence for a myth. In "How Modern Society Invented UFOs," I argue that UFOs developed as a belief system as reflection of today's times, namely as a myth of the space age and how it reflects the emergence of secularism. The post WWII era was a different world. The political structure changed. The Cold War began. The government was engaged in secret activity as Cold War strategy. The public grew suspect of the government as well the hysteria of UfOs. Cults, religions, theories, and a overall need to explain mysteries of events grew in direct relation or in part with UFOs. "How Modern Society UFOs." Get it at amazon.com.


Why do you ridicule this man? ET was here before us, here now, and will be here after us. ET never left.

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